
How realistic is the Buster Sword?

How realistic is the Buster Sword?

“Real life” buster sword A “half-sized” steel replica weighs thirteen pounds (6 kg), and has a three-foot (1 m) blade. It is terribly unbalanced, and a real-life full sized version would weigh approximately 104 lb (47 kg). Such a weapon would be egregiously impractical in real life.

Does Sephiroths sword extend?

The blade’s exact length varies, usually measuring at least as long as Sephiroth is tall or slightly longer, which would make it approximately six-to-eight feet long. The angle of the curve of the blade also varies, but it is never entirely straight.

Is Cloud’s sword realistic?

Originally Answered: Is Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII realistic and usable? Absolutely as long as you are a genetically engineered superhuman. There is a reason why we only see cloud and some other high level shinra soldiers using it.

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Is Sephiroth’s sword based on a real sword?

Having already created Cloud’s Buster Sword, master blacksmith Tony Swatton has once again taken on the blades of Final Fantasy 7 – this time it’s the turn of Sephiroth’s sword. The video, below, shows Swatton and assistants forging a real life version of Sephiroth’s 84 inch long Masamune. It’s pretty impressive work.

Is Sephiroth’s sword a Nodachi?

The Final Fantasy VII Masamune is a Japanese Odachi/Nodachi used by the character, Sephiroth, said to be the only one able to effectively use it. But with Geisha’s Blade version of the Masamune, even you can wield it!

Is the Buster sword a greatsword?

The Buster Sword is a greatsword-type weapon available to Lightning through downloadable content. It raises Strength by 360 points and Stagger Power by 12\%.

How heavy is the fusion sword?

It is a heavy sword with an overall weight of 4.46 KG.

Can you get Masamune in FF7?

Final Fantasy VII Masamune Blade is a special item obtained from the Gold Saucer at the Speed Square. It does nothing at all.

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How long is Sephiroth’s hair?

The wig itself is 42 inches long, which goes down to just above my knee.

What kind of sword does Sephiroth have?

Sephiroth’s most famous weapon is the Masamune; in the Final Fantasy universe this seems treated more as a style of sword, as one is left in the President of Shinra after his attack, which appears most often as a 10-foot long katana, though other lengths appear occasionally.

How heavy is Sephiroth’s sword?

If we take into consideration that the average weight of an 80cm (2’7 feet) katana made of steel is 1.5kg (3.30 lbs), we can guess the estimated weight of Sephiroth’ sword in FF7 Games is around 4.5kg (10lbs) It’s surely a remarkable weight for a sword, but it will never be as heavy as Cloud’s Buster Sword!

How long is sephiroths sword?

Anyway let’s get back to talking about Sephiroth’s Masamune sword. As you know the sword is extremely long with a blade length of fifty inches and an overall length of sixty eight inches from butt to blade tip. The metal of the blade is made from high carbon steel and the handle is wrapped in cloth.