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How religious are Bulgarians?

How religious are Bulgarians?

Bulgaria – a secular state. Like all of the constitutional republics, it provides freedom for religion, as enshrined in the Constitution. It is professed by 82.6\% of the population of Bulgaria. 0.6\% of the population (44 000 people) are Roman Catholic, and 1.12\% – Protestants (Greek – Roman Catholics and Protestants).

What is the most popular religion in Bulgaria?

By far the dominant religion in Bulgaria is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, professed by the prevalent ethnic group, the Bulgarians, who are adherents of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Approximately 60\% of the Bulgarians belonged to the church as of 2011.

Is Bulgaria a country of religion?

Bulgaria, despite the post-war communists’ oppression of religion, is largely a country of faith. Only an estimated one fifth of the population are atheists. Unlike many European countries, Bulgaria is seeing a resurgence in religious faith.

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Who are the Muslim Bulgarians?

Muslim Bulgarians are thought to be descendents of Slavs who were converted to Islam during the Ottoman rule. Bulgaria has the highest number of mosques per capita in Europe, totalling over 1200. The largest mosque in Bulgaria is the Tumbul Mosque in Shumen, built in 1744.

Which countries have the highest percentage of atheists?

The six countries with the highest percentage of their populations identifying as atheists are: China; Japan; Czech Republic; France; Australia; Iceland; Approximately 40-49\% of China’s population says that they’re atheists. This is the highest population of atheists in the world.

How many atheists are there in China?

Approximately 40-49\% of China’s population says that they’re atheists. This is the highest population of atheists in the world. Confucianism, which is one of China’s oldest philosophical systems, is notable for its lack of a belief in a deity.