
How tall was the average Greek Spartan?

How tall was the average Greek Spartan?

The main way they did this was compare shields and take into account that the Spartan phalanx would have the shields covering the adjacent soldier from neck to thigh. The estimations point to around 1,70 m to around 1,78 m. That converts to 5 7′ to 5 10′ if you are from a country that uses feet.

How tall are average Greeks?

Main Digest

Chart showing the average height of males and females in various world countries.
Country/Region Average male height Average female height
Greece 178.06 cm (5ft 10in)
Greece 177.29 cm (5ft 10in)
Greece 178.3 cm (5ft 10in) 166.6 cm (5ft 5 1/2in)
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What was the average height of the soldiers?

The average height of military personnel in the United States is anywhere between 5 foot nine and 6 feet tall. The average weight is about 180 pounds, give or take.

How tall were Greeks back then?

They were taller than average for their time, certainly. I have read studies stating that the average Ancient Greek could have been as tall as 5′9 (1.75 m).

Are Greeks tall people?

Stats have chanched. Greek males used to be 160 to 178 cm tall in the 1950’s now greek males are 172 to 188 cm tall. Likewise females used to be 150 to 165 cm then but now they are 155 to 175 cm tall.

How tall was the average man in the 1700s?

Using skeleton evidence from Europe, the team found that average height decreased from 68.27 inches in the Middles Ages to a low of 65.75 inches in the 1600s and 1700s.

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How tall were Romans on average?

The heights of ancient male Romans ranged from 5′4″ to 5′7″ according to various sources. One source reported that the average male in the military was 5′6″. Another source said 5’7″. They were most likely very strong for their heights; e.g., marching long distances with heavy armor and supplies.

How tall were the Spartans of 300?

The estimations point to around 1,70 m to around 1,78 m. That converts to 5 7′ to 5 10′ if you are from a country that uses feet. Is it accurate to say the Spartans of 300 would all have been in intimate relationships with each other? No. That would not be accurate at all.

How did historians estimate the height of Spartan hoplites?

From helmets, equipment, descriptions and shields historians could estimate the height of Spartan hoplites. The main way they did this was compare shields and take into account that the Spartan phalanx would have the shields covering the adjacent soldier from neck to thigh. The estimations point to around 1,70 m to around 1,78 m.

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How tall is a Spartan phalanx?

The main way they did this was compare shields and take into account that the Spartan phalanx would have the shields covering the adjacent soldier from neck to thigh. The estimations point to around 1,70 m to around 1,78 m. That converts to 5 7′ to 5 10′ if you are from a country that uses feet.

What is it like to be a soldier?

Well on one hand, you have a soldier raised from childhood, always training, running, marching, carrying tens of pounds of equipment everyday, all day, for pretty much his whole life. Compare that to modern men that are living the easiest lifestyle humans have ever had…