
How thick is the armor on a destroyer?

How thick is the armor on a destroyer?

The belt armor protecting the hull was over 12 inches thick and inclined at 19 degrees from vertical, to protect the ships from armor piercing shells.

How thick was the armor of the Bismarck?

The Bismarck-class ships had an armored belt that ranged in thickness from 220 to 320 mm (8.7 to 12.6 in); the thickest section of armor covered the central portion, where the gun turrets, ammunition magazines, and machinery spaces were located.

What happens if a shell hits a ship’s armor?

In most such instances, pieces of the armour are frequently blown into the ship, together with some fragments of the shell nose, but the majority of the explosive force is outside of the armour. The shell passes through the plate but is damaged and no longer in a fit condition to burst.

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What happens when a shell ricochets off armor?

The shell passes through the plate but is damaged and no longer in a fit condition to burst. Although it can still cause damage to whatever is in its path or the path of the armour fragments, the armour has still done its job in minimizing the effect. Due to oblique angle of impact, the shell ricochets off the armour.

Why did shells explode on the starboard side of a battleship?

Although that shell hadn’t a chance of piercing the armour, it still exploded on the starboard sight port and dismounted the cover so that it could not be closed, while the wooden deck planking nearby was perforated by spl When a battleship’s shells did not pierce the heavy armour of another battleship, they still inflicted damage.

How much damage can a HE/Fragmentation shell do?

Well, a HE/fragmentation shell creates a twenty-foot-deep and sixty-foot-diameter crater when it hits the ground, I imagine quite a lot of damage. One shell would probably take out 1/3–1/4 of a city block, give or take a few feet, and annihilate an apartment building. However, battleships don’t fire individual shells, they fire salvos.