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How to stop the mind chatter?

How to stop the mind chatter?

To stop the mind chatter, you stop all of your thinking (even the good thoughts). Allow yourself to see differently. To see differently, you must stop the world. And to stop the world, we must stop our thoughts altogether. We can stop our thoughts through meditation.

What is telepathic touch with twin flames?

The telepathic touch makes you feel physically and so will be what by the high energetic vibration that has been achieved will be transmitted to the other flame. This touch is an incredible ability developed by the twin flames to always be close even when they are far away.

What is telepathy and how does it work?

Telepathy is basically a communication of souls, which consists of communicating at a distance using the mind, usually by transmitting thoughts, the most efficient way to establish a telepathy is undoubtedly in the twin flames.

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How can I tell if my twin flame is thinking?

There are no ways to confirm that those thoughts and feelings that the twin flames are thinking and feeling are being shared, only by asking each other to make sure that if thoughts are being transmitted, they can find out in other ways.


What does it mean to silence your inner chatter?

The ability to silence your inner chatter is like the ability to step into another world. It is where the spiritual journey stops being something that you read about in books, hear about from “experts,” or think to death in your mind.

Should you turn your back on your inner chattering?

Therefore, turn your back on your inner chattering no matter how much it is begging you or bargaining with you. The key is in ignoring the thoughts as you continue to stay still in meditation. You are NOT consciously trying to ignore the thoughts. Any conscious action you take is a battle against the mind chatter.

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Why do we chatter?

The first thing to consider is to understand what part of us is chattering. Is our mind, our chattering mind, our true self? The need for chatter comes from our subconscious and is perceived by our conscious mind. The cause is fear.