
How to use turn off in a sentence?

How to use turn off in a sentence?

Turn off sentence example

  1. It’s a definite turn-off if you are negative about everything.
  2. You forgot to turn off your radio.
  3. If she isn’t quite ready or is distracted, this can lead to a major turn off .
  4. As dawn broke, they reached the turn off to the safe house.

When to use turn off?

It is now safe to turn off your computer. The emergency crew has turned off local power and gas supplies. Go and turn the tap off before the bath overflows….turn off ​Definitions and Synonyms.

present tense
past tense turned off
past participle turned off

How do you use radio in a sentence?

“I listen to the radio at work.” “She switched on the radio.” “The radio reported that a tornado was coming.” “The radio was blaring music.”

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How do you find the phrasal verb in a sentence?

You have to look at the whole sentence. If the two words can be understood literally, it’s a verb and a preposition. If they have to be taken together with a meaning that has little or nothing to do with the meaning of the verb alone, then it’s a phrasal verb.

What are the turn-offs?

Here are some of the most commonly mentioned turn-offs we found.

  • When someone has bad breath.
  • When a person smokes.
  • When the other person is just not that into it.
  • When there is a lack of respect for boundaries.
  • When a person’s fingernails need trimming.
  • When someone has poor hygiene.
  • When someone can’t get a word in.

What means turnoff?

1 : to stop the flow of or shut off by or as if by turning a control turn the water off. 2 : to cause to lose interest : bore economics turns me off also : to evoke a negative feeling in.

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What are uses of radio?

radio: Uses of Radio Waves The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another through the intervening media (i.e., air, space, nonconducting materials) without wires. Besides being used for transmitting sound and television signals, radio is used for the transmission of data in coded form.

Where do you use turn out in a sentence?

Concerning turn something out, this dictionary says it can mean switch (a light or fire) off. Example sentence is: Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. So again, it seems to me that you can use turn out where you use turn off. Fire cannot be off.

Is it turn out or turn off the fire?

Concerning turn something out, this dictionary says it can mean switch (a light or fire) off. Example sentence is: Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. So again, it seems to me that you can use turn out where you use turn off. Fire cannot be off. But cannot we say the fire is on, which means the fire is burning?

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Is the electricity out or is the gas off?

The electricity is off. The former is correct, while the latter is not. That the electricity is out means there is no more electricity left, and we shoul buy it from the company that provides it. The gas is out; the gas is off. Both are correct, but meanings are not the same.

What is the difference between the light is out and off?

The light is out; the light is off. Both are correct. Same meaning. The lamp stops providing light; the lamp does not shine. The electricity is out. The electricity is off. The former is correct, while the latter is not. That the electricity is out means there is no more electricity left, and we shoul buy it from the company that provides it.