
How was the problem solved by you change into active voice?

How was the problem solved by you change into active voice?

Inorder to change it into active voice, you need the object in the passive voice. The sentence in the passive voice does not have an object here. It could be, “the problem was solved by him”. This sentence would be “ he solved the problem” in active voice.

How was it done voice change?

Answer: “It is done” is a sentence in the passive voice. The subject or the person doing the action is hidden / implied / understood by context. But if we know that person, we can extend the sentence as : “It is done by Tim.”

What are the rules of voice change?

Passive voice in Simple Future Tense

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Active Voice Passive Voice
Formula: Subject + will + infinitive + object Formula: S + will + be + past participle + by object

How do you change from passive voice to active voice?

Changing Passive to Active Voice If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a “by the…” phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly.

Why do we need a fix passive voice tool to remain online?

The need for a fix passive voice tool to remain online is always present because the internet does not sleep at all. To earn the reputation of reliable and trustworthy service, online passive checker tools to change passive to active should be up and available for at least 99.99\% of the total time of the year.

How do you use active voice in most of the class?

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Making “most of the class” the subject of the sentence moves the action of the sentence onto the class, and shifts the sentence from passive into active voice. The agent is not explicitly stated, but it is most likely researchers. Making the agent the subject of the sentence will allow you to use the active voice.

What is a passive to active voice translator?

What Is a Passive to Active Voice Translator? An online tool to detect passive voice sentences and suggest the desired corrections in a piece of writing automatically with the help of predefined software-based linguistic algorithms and grammatical rules is known as a passive voice converter.