
How will you describe a quadratic equation with one solution to solution and no solution?

How will you describe a quadratic equation with one solution to solution and no solution?

Be careful: for a quadratic equation to have only one real solution (a double root), its graph must touch the x axis exactly once. If the graph touches the x axis twice, then it has two distinct real solutions. If the graph does not touch the x axis at all, then it has two complex solutions (and no real solutions).

How do you describe quadratic equations with two solutions?

2. Describe quadratic equations with two solutions – Gauthmath.

How will you describe a quadratic equation with no solution?

A quadratic equation has no solution when the discriminant is negative. From an algebra standpoint, this means b2 < 4ac. Visually, this means the graph of the quadratic (a parabola) will never touch the x axis. Of course, a quadratic that has no real solution will still have complex solutions.

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How will you describe quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is an equation of the second degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared. The standard form is ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b and c being constants, or numerical coefficients, and x being an unknown variable.

Do quadratic equations always have 2 solutions?

As we have seen, there can be 0, 1, or 2 solutions to a quadratic equation, depending on whether the expression inside the square root sign, (b2 – 4ac), is positive, negative, or zero.

What is a two solution equation?

If only ONE number makes both sides of an equation equal. example 2x – 3= 7 (only one solution, x has to be 5 so that the 2 sides are equal) There are equations with infinite solutions, where all numbers will make the 2 sides equal. example 2(x -3) =2x -6. And with quadratic equations you often have 2 solutions.

What is quadratic equation explain with any one example?

In math, we define a quadratic equation as an equation of degree 2, meaning that the highest exponent of this function is 2. The standard form of a quadratic is y = ax^2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are numbers and a cannot be 0. Examples of quadratic equations include all of these: y = x^2 + 3x + 1.

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Can a quadratic have one solution?

As we have seen, there can be 0, 1, or 2 solutions to a quadratic equation, depending on whether the expression inside the square root sign, (b2 – 4ac), is positive, negative, or zero. This expression has a special name: the discriminant.

How to solve quadratic equations step by step?

Steps to Solve Quadratic Equation 1 Case 1: When a discriminant part is positive, you get two real solutions 2 Case 2: When a discriminant part is zero, it gives only one solution 3 Case 3: When a discriminant part is negative, you get complex solutions

How do you know if an equation is not quadratic?

If the value of a is zero, then the equation is not a quadratic equation. The quadratic equation solution is obtained using the quadratic formula: Normally, we get two solutions, because of a plus or minus symbol “ ± ”. You need to do both the addition and subtraction operation.

Are You qualified to use the quadratic formula?

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We’re now officially qualified to use the quadratic formula. Example 4 Solve the equation 2x 2 + x – 1 = 0. Solution If we compare this to the general form, i.e. ax 2 + bx + c = 0, we have a = 2, b = 1 and c = – 1.

What is the difference between linear and quadratic systems?

Systems of Linear and Quadratic Equations A Linear Equation is an equation of a line. A Quadratic Equation is the equation of a parabola and has at least one variable squared (such as x 2)