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How would you describe a revolver?

How would you describe a revolver?

A revolver (also called a six shooter or a wheel gun) is a repeating handgun that has at least one barrel and uses a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers (each holding a single cartridge) for firing.

What are the components of a bullet?

The basic components of ammunition are the case, primer, powder, and projectile(s).

How would you describe a gunshot sound?

“Gunfire tends to be very, very sharp and loud, and as that sound propagates outward, you hear (it) decay,” Beisner said. “Fireworks, since it’s low energy, you don’t hear that sound propagate outward very far. It’s sharp but usually very low energy. It sounds more like a pop than a louder crack.”

What makes a gunshot sound?

A muzzle blast sound occurs because of the rapidly expanding propellant gasses that actually cause the bullet to accelerate; the gas expands extremely quickly, and the resulting pressure wave from that explosive expansion creates a whole lot of noise.

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How do you write personification in a story?

How to Write a Personification

  1. Think of the feeling you want to express or draw out.
  2. Now think of a situation that would fit that feeling.
  3. Use personification by describing the objects and scene as if they were people showing that feeling.

What is personification in a story?

Personification is a literary device that uses the non-literal use of language to convey concepts in a relatable way. Writers use personification to give human characteristics, such as emotions and behaviors, to non-human things, animals, and ideas.

How would you describe the sound of a gunshot?

“Gunfire tends to be very, very sharp and loud, and as that sound propagates outward, you hear (it) decay,” Beisner said. It sounds more like a pop than a louder crack.”

What are the two words used to describe the gun?

Words used to describe guns – thesaurus

  • double-barrelled. adjective. a double-barrelled gun has a pair of tubes that bullets come out from.
  • loaded. adjective. a loaded gun has bullets in it.
  • rapid-fire. adjective. a rapid-fire weapon is designed to fire bullets very quickly.
  • semi-automatic. adjective.
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What is a gun bullet?

bullet, an elongated metal projectile that is fired by a pistol, rifle, or machine gun. Bullets are measured by their calibre, which indicates the interior diameter, or bore, of a gun barrel. Modern bullets developed in the 19th century for use in small arms that had rifled barrels.

How do you describe a gun shot in a story?

There are many ways to describe gun shots in a story, depending on the situation. One way I described a gun shot did not even include the sound of a gunshot at all. Here’s what I remember of that short story. I set up my rifle, and took aim at a deer.

Why Would you personify a gunshot?

I’m sure I should be able to come up with some plausible reasons why you might want to personify a gunshot.Personification is commonly used as a form of misdirection by the author. Maybe they want to actively draw attention away from the true agency behind something, or otherwise avoid talking about it.

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How do you introduce weapons in your stories?

Meaning, when I introduce the weapon into the story I give it two or three sentences of description and from there just use the name of the gun or equipment going forward. This is what I do for most things a reader may have no familiarity with but are crucial to understand through the story.

, Interested in weapons, mostly from a technical standpoint. Assuming you’re looking for words to describe the gunshot noise, you can go for: deafening, sudden, startling, awestriking, terrifying, powerful, exhilarating (that would depend on who the narrator is, if there is any).