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How would you feel if you are blind blindfolded?

How would you feel if you are blind blindfolded?

Absent visual information , which we are overly dependant on, we feel completely lost and quickly disoriented.. Hence we won’t see anything if we are blind folded..

Can a blindfolded person walk in a straight line?

Blind people who have spent their whole lives blind cannot walk unaided in a straight line. Also, normal people who are blindfolded cannot walk in straight lines. This is because the whole notion of ‘straight’ while making some sense to a blind person is a visual concept.

Why do I walk in circles when I think?

Pacing may be a subconscious way of coping with anxiety, as research suggests repetitive behavior can us help manage our stress levels when we feel lost or out of control. “Pacing is a behavioral signal to tell yourself that you’re too overwhelmed,” psychologist Sunna Jung tells Mashable.

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Does a hardened heart recognize the “finger of God?

A Hardened Heart Does Not Recognize the “Finger of God” (Ex. 8:19). Even the Egyptian magicians recognized the “finger of God.” Something was different. A person with a hardened heart does not recognize the spiritual realities around him.

What happens when you have a hardened heart?

A Hardened Heart Blames the Messenger Instead of Recognizing Its Condition (Ex. 10:28). Pharaoh gets angry. Not with his sin, but with Moses and with God. A hardened heart blames the messenger and God instead of recognizing its own condition. A Hardened Heart Will Be Broken beyond Healing (Prov. 29:11). How long?

Can a hardened heart say the right words?

A Hardened Heart May Even Say the Right Words (Ex. 9:27). Just like Saul (1 Sam. 15:24, 30), Pharaoh said the right words: “I have sinned.” These are the first words that every counselor dealing with stubborn sinners wants to hear.

Is there hope for those with a hardened heart?

There is hope. Having a hardened heart is a spiritual condition. Therefore, use spiritual weapons: Pray, counsel the Word, and show them Jesus. In God’s perfect and sovereign timing, He will open their eyes and soften their hearts.