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In which Nakshatra Saturn gives good results?

In which Nakshatra Saturn gives good results?

Saturn exalts in the nakshatra of Rahu – Swati. And the same Saturn is debilitated in the nakshatra of Ketu – Aswini.

Which direction is good for cancer ascendant?

Chandra represents the North-West direction and this is generally considered as a favourable direction for Cancer Lagna natives.

Is Pushya Nakshatra good or bad?

What is Pushya Nakshatra? It is one of the most auspicious Nakshatra. Barring marriage, every work is considered good to start in this Nakshatra. Brihaspati is the preceptors for Gods.

How is Saturn Chitra Nakshatra?

Saturn is a cold or harsh planet. Interpretation of Saturn in Chitra Nakshatra – Saturn is in enemy’s nakshatra here but in friendly signs of Virgo and Libra, Chitra is nakshatra of creativity. Saturn there will make person work hard on his creative pursuits before they achieve anything in that area.

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Which metal is good for Cancer Rashi?

The lucky stone for Karka Rashi (Cancer) moon sign is a pearl. Procure a 2 carets pearl of good quality from a reliable supplier and fix it in a silver ring to be worn on the ring finger.

Which God nakshatra is pushya?

Blessed by the Gods, Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter, and its Lord is Saturn.

What is the result of Saturn mahadasha for cancer ascendant?

Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant If you belong to Cancer Ascendant, then the planet Saturn is not a beneficial planet as it owns the 7 th and 8 th house in your birth chart. The planet can be dangerous unless it is posited in an auspicious house like 2 nd, 9 th and 11 th house. As a malefic planet it can make your life miserable.

What is the difference between good and bad mahadasha of Saturn?

The malefic Antardasha of planets will be more catastrophic while the bad mahadasha with benefic antardasha can be moderate. Generally, the people with bad mahadasha of Saturn faces different kinds of problems and obstacles. The Shani mahadasha can even ruin the native if it is ill-disposed.

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What is Saturn mahadasha Mercury antardasha in Vedic astrology?

The instability of Mercury is cared for by Saturn beneath this aspect. Saturn Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha, while on the negative side, the mind could be slow and dull. The native could be in danger of losing his mental balance. He might suffer from depression and pessimism.

How long does Saturn vishmottari mahadasha last (and why)?

The mahadasha of Saturn runs for 19 years. While shani sade sati runs seven and half years. The planet Saturn brings result according to its position in the birth chart. The Saturn Vishmottari Mahadasha could be both harmful when it is debilitated, combust and afflicted by malefic planets.