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Is a 40 minute commute to work too much?

Is a 40 minute commute to work too much?

Lots of people drive a lot longer than that to get to work. If it’s a good job with decent pay and prospects, it’s probably worth it. If it’s a fairly OK job but the 40 minutes’ drive consists largely of sitting in heavy traffic just to travel a few miles, then it’s not so clear-cut.

How can I make my commute more productive?

12 Long Commute to Work Tips: How to be Productive

  1. Turn on the Tunes. The psychological benefits of a good playlist are vast.
  2. Make a Mental Checklist.
  3. Stay Present.
  4. Listen to Audio Books.
  5. Put on a Podcast.
  6. Connect with a Phone Call.
  7. Prepare for Your Day.
  8. Meditate.

How is driving time productively used?

7 Ways to Use Your Long Commute Time Productively

  1. Look into Carpooling or Using Public Transportation.
  2. Use The Time to Sort Out Your Thoughts.
  3. Plan The Day Ahead.
  4. Listen to Self-Improvement Podcasts and Audiobooks.
  5. Preplan the Phone Calls That You Can Make During Your Commute.
  6. Schedule an Online Course.
  7. Learn a New Language.
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How can I make the most commute in an hour?

Here are five tips for how to make the most out of your daily commute:

  1. Use your downtime however you choose. Too few of us enjoy downtime these days.
  2. Network and connect with other people.
  3. Make the bus or train ride your email and social media time.
  4. Let your commute be your hard out.
  5. Chill out.

How do you deal with long commute driving?

How to handle a long commute

  1. Leave for work early.
  2. Create a relaxing environment.
  3. Be strategic.
  4. Try public transportation or carpooling.
  5. Pack food and beverages.
  6. Limit technology.
  7. Determine your job satisfaction.

How can I be productive in traffic?

Productive things to do while you are stuck in traffic:

  1. Read. Instead of falling asleep or having a sour mood or just sitting there idly, you can read something.
  2. Listen.
  3. Go through your emails.
  4. Social posting.
  5. Learn a new language.
  6. Play games.
  7. Work on your to-do list.
  8. Catch up with your friends/family.
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How do you spend commuting time?

Here are 7 easy ways to make the most of your commute:

  1. Meditate.
  2. Start a gratitude journal.
  3. Learn a language.
  4. Fall in love with reading.
  5. Set daily goals.
  6. Get inspired.
  7. Practise tolerance.

How do you plan to commute to work?

10 Ways To Make Your Daily Commute To Work A Productive One

  1. Map out your day. If you don’t drive to work on your own, utilize the time of your commute to plan out your day.
  2. Read a book.
  3. Listen to a podcast.
  4. Take an online class.
  5. Get updated with the news.
  6. Reflect on yourself.
  7. Ease up your workload.
  8. Meditate.

How to make your daily commute to work a productive one?

10 Ways To Make Your Daily Commute To Work A Productive One. 1 1. Map out your day. If you don’t drive to work on your own, utilize the time of your commute to plan out your day. Make a to-do list of the tasks you 2 2. Read a book. 3 3. Listen to a podcast. 4 4. Take an online class. 5 5. Get updated with the news.

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How do you cope with a long commute?

Think of the commute as private time. Use the time to contemplate and recharge. Plan your day in your head. Rehearse for difficult conversations or meetings. Make the commute a game.

Is a long commute to work worth it?

The latter will certainly make it easier. Determine if job satisfaction and salary can carry you through. If you’ve been fighting for more money, increased seniority, and a corner office, a long commute might just be worth it.

How long does the average American spend commuting to work each day?

According to the U.S Census Bureau, the average American worker spends 26.9 minutes commuting to work every day. And even as more and more employers around the world are adopting work-from-home policies and flexible schedules, commuting times don’t show any signs of decreasing in duration.