
Is abysmal a bad word?

Is abysmal a bad word?

extremely or hopelessly bad or severe: abysmal ignorance; abysmal poverty.

What does abysmal sea mean?

That part of the sea occupying the ocean basins proper.

What is a bad winner?

A competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after losing a game or contest is often called a “sore loser”, while a competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after winning is typically called a “bad winner”.

What does my winner mean?

2 n-count If you say that something or someone is a winner, you mean that they are popular and successful, or that they are likely to be popular and successful.

What is a bismal?

noun A bluish-gray voluminous powder, consisting of the bismuth salt of methylene-digallic acid, the latter being a condensation-product of formaldehyde and gallic acid (4C15H12O10 + 3Bi(OH)3).

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How do you use abysmal?

Abysmal in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Since Troy did not study for the test, he earned an abysmal score on the exam.
  2. The movie’s plot was so abysmal the critic left the theater after five minutes.
  3. Because Cathy has no artistic skill whatsoever, her sculpture is abysmal.
  4. Jimmy cannot go to the party because of his abysmal behavior.

What does bismal mean?

[ adj ] perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements ; filled with bewilderment ; ” obviously bemused by his questions “; ” bewildered and confused “; ” a cloudy and confounded philosopher “; ” just a mixed – up kid “; ” she felt lost on the first day of school “

What do u mean by hinterland?

Definition of hinterland 1 : a region lying inland from a coast. 2a : a region remote from urban areas. b : a region lying beyond major metropolitan or cultural centers.

What is a sore winner called?

show-off. windbag. glory hog. egotist. know-it-all.

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How do you deal with bad winners?

Here are a few strategies for dealing with a sore winner: Stay Positive: Don’t let a sore winner break your spirit. Stay positive, even in the face of negative circumstances. Realize that the DUD’s shortcomings are her own, even if you fall victim to them from time to time.

What type of word is winner?

One who has won or often wins.

Is it winners or winner’s?

Winners Podiium is written without an apostrophe when it is cited in Olympic references. I would side with the journalists that the identity is a noun, proper or improper; an apostrophe is not need.