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Is Aquarius good for Libra?

Is Aquarius good for Libra?

Aquarius and Libra will have a harmonious friendship. With Libra’s need for balance and their people-pleasing attitude, and Aquarius’ free spirit but adaptive nature, these two zodiac signs share a love for life, freedom, and intellect. An Aquarian will want to be spontaneous, explore, and meet new people.

Is Gemini good for Libra?

As two Air signs, Gemini and Libra will have no problem getting along. They’re both intelligent, easy-going, sociable, and good with words. “An Air and Air sign couple tends to be a very strong match,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. “Being ruled by Venus, Libra is the quintessential romantic sign. …

What is a Libra’s worst match?

Scorpio is considered Libra’s worst match. Out of twelve signs in the zodiac, Libra faces the most trouble in getting along with Scorpio. All these differences make it hard for the two signs to get along well and thus Scorpio man is considered as the worst match for Libra woman.

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Do Aquarius and Gemini get along?

Overall, Gemini and Aquarius are considered to be a compatible match. Like all couples, they will have their share of potential problems. But their shared values, need for freedom, and love of new experiences will help bond. They’ll help each other grow, and give each other space to do their own thing.

What does Libra think of Aquarius?

Libra is attracted to the detached cool of Aquarius and comfortable with that airy “friends” approach at first. The Waterbearer loves Libra’s style and graceful public demeanor. Aquarius is more at home among friends, while Libra likes to do things as a twosome.

What does Gemini like about Aquarius?

Gemini and Aquarius are both free thinkers that need a lot of leeway in love. A whirl of stimulating activities gets the ball rolling since these two are curiosity seekers. When they come together, it’s a meeting of two bright minds, and that’s where the seeds of love begin to grow.

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Which air sign is the best for Gemini?

Gemini is good with both of the other Air signs and I’m not sure which one is better for them. Libra is more affectionate and charming, but Aquarius isn’t flirting is up with everyone they come across.

Why do you like Libra so much?

I love Libras because they see both sides of a situation and are able to weigh their options. They appreciate beauty and excellence, as is true for a Venusian ruled sign. Like Gemini, they are also great debaters. When I am down, a Libra can help me see the other side more clearly. Wow! I’m learning a lot today, thanks a bunch!

How would you describe a Gemini as a person?

Gemini: talkative, mercurial, effervescent, and is mutable. Geminis make great friends to talk to, though you gotta watch for the gossipy Geminis. As they are a fellow air sign, I often understand their points of view and situations. Great debaters.

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What are Lib Libra personality traits?

Libra, like all air signs, is capable of seeing all sides of a situation, thus giving him a great deal of objectivity. He is famed for his indecision and procrastinating ways, but this is not because he lacks the intelligence, or depth of thought to make a decision.