
Is being a drummer attractive?

Is being a drummer attractive?

We’re surrounded by other drummers and unlike other instrumentalists, we end up practicing and performing with other drummers usually before accompanying anyone else. We’re the gang of drummers who strap on marching drums and go out on the field and “do a thing” or support a marching band.

What makes an amazing drummer?

One of the most important things any musician can do is learn how to listen. It seems obvious, but a great drummer always makes sure to listen to and get an overall understanding of the song before they jump in. It is critical to understand the song as a whole if you are to build effective transitions and sections.

What type of person plays drums?

A drummer is a musician who plays the drums. The drummer in a rock band might play a huge set of many different drums and other percussion instruments. A professional drummer could play in a marching band, a classical symphony, or a country and western group.

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Does a man’s musical ability affect how women perceive him?

Earlier this year, a study performed by Benjamin D. Charlton at the University of Sussex found that a man’s musical ability direct connected to how attractive heterosexual women perceived him.

Do men respond to female musicians differently than women?

It’s pretty surreal that women’s bodies would respond so powerfully and seemingly unconsciously to music in these ways — and it seems likely that male bodies would similarly respond to skill in female musicians.

Can musical talent predict a man’s suitability for long-term love?

When the study was repeated asking women to select a potential long-term partner, even those at the peak fertility showed no preference. It seems that musical talent is a good predictor for the strength of a potential mate’s genes, but not a good predictor of a male’s suitability as a long-term support system.

Do musicians have better babies?

This same study also found that musical ability correlates with high levels of prenatal testosterone. Therefore, talented male musicians tend also to be healthier, more athletic and have higher sperm counts than the talentless, making them ideal baby-makers in one regard.