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Is Black Panther stronger than Wolverine?

Is Black Panther stronger than Wolverine?

LONG ANSWER AHEAD! If he wasn’t already dead, Wolverine would still lose most times against the Black Panther. Both are two of the most skilled hand to hand combat exponents in the Marvel universe.

Can Wanda beat Wolverine?

Those who’ve seen Wanda Maximoff (aka The Scarlet Witch) in action know that her mutant hex/reality warping powers are nothing to be trifled with. So, it should come as no surprise that Wanda is more than capable of defeating even vicious opponents like the X-Men’s nigh-unkillable brawler Wolverine.

Who would win in a fight Superman or Wolverine?

As arguably the most powerful being in DC Comics, Superman would very likely be able to win over Wolverine. Firstly, his strength alone may be enough to bend adamantium, making it incredibly hard for Logan’s body to heal properly.

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Who would win in a fight Superman or the vision?

The man of steel would be able to beat the Vision in a fight because he has almost no weaknesses. Both heroes have the ability to fly and are incredibly strong, but Superman would be invulnerable to all of the robot’s attacks and could hit much harder and faster than the Vision.

Who would win in a fight Green Lantern or vision?

The Vision would struggle in a fight against this hero because of the unpredictable nature of the Green Lantern’s attacks. The battle would definitely be close, but the Green Lantern has a nearly endless amount of power to pull from which would win the fight in the end.

Can Superman beat Wolverine?

Sure, Wolverine can slice a speeding bullet in mid-air, but he’s nowhere near as fast as the Man of Tomorrow. Superman could subdue or land multiple hits on Logan before the fast-healing mutant even knew what hit him, or even use his speed to suck the air out of Wolverine’s lungs.

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Can the Green Arrow defeat the vision?

Oliver Queen became the Green Arrow, and he is a master at martial arts and archery. Although the Green Arrow is a great addition to any superhero team, he would not be able to do much damage to the Vision because the robot could simply phase through every arrow.