
Is charge affected by mass?

Is charge affected by mass?

Yes, mass of the object affects it’s charge as from E=mc^2 , we can see that energy depends on mass and vice-versa. So, if mass of object by someway is reduced, then total energy of the object will also reduce and since this energy comes from sub-atomic particles, there is a change in the number of particles.

Does motion affect the charge?

Electric Charges and Fields. Does motion of a body affect its charge? No, charge on a body does not change with motion of the body. The motion of a body is independent of the charge acquired by a body .

Does the charge of a body change with speed like its mass?

The actual mass DOES NOT increase with speed.

Does charge increase mass?

The mass of the object in concern is only dependent on the way you choose to ‘charge’ it. If you add charged particles to it, its mass would obviously increase, and if you take away charged particles from it, the mass would increase.

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How does mass affect electric charge?

Experiments have shown that the electric force between two objects is proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the two objects. This implies that the electric force does not depend on the mass of the particle. Instead, it depends on a new quantity: the electric charge.

Why is charge always in mass?

All the known charged particles are massive particles, this means that the existence of the charge is connecting, somehow, with the mass and so there is no massless charged particle.

Why does a charge not vary with speed?

No, the charge does not vary with velocity. The number of electrons present or absent on any body decides the quantity of charge on that body.

How do charge interact?

If a positive charge and a negative charge interact, their forces act in the same direction, from the positive to the negative charge. As a result opposite charges attract each other: The electric field and resulting forces produced by two electrical charges of opposite polarity. The two charges attract each other.

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When a body is charged negatively what happens to its mass?

When a negative charge is acquired by a body, the mass of the body increases due to the addition of the electron. Therefore, the mass of a body on charging by conduction can increase or decrease according to the sign of the charge acquired by the body. Hence, option C is correct.

How does electric charge affect mass?

The rest energy of particles is proportional to their common mass, and electrical energy of body is proportional to square of their common charge. If there are a lot of electron their electric energy may be much more their rest energy. Then the mass of system (body and fields) must increase.

Why does mass increase with negative charge?

If an object is negatively charged, its mass increases , because it gains electrons. object becomes positively charged, it loses electrons. These same electrons must be gained by another object, and therefore it is negatively charged.

Why does charge remain constant if mass varies during motion?

If mass varies during motion, why do charge remain constant. What I thought is, charge is the property of all the substances. If mass varies, charge should also vary. Because, electron and proton are the particles exhibiting charge property, and they are the part of that particular mass which varies during motion.

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How does the mass of an object affect its charge?

Answer Wiki. Yes, mass of the object affects it’s charge as from E=mc^2 , we can see that energy depends on mass and vice-versa. So, if mass of object by someway is reduced, then total energy of the object will also reduce and since this energy comes from sub-atomic particles, there is a change in the number of particles.

Does the resulting motion depend on mass?

In this case the Characteristic or the Natural Frequency of the system Does depend on the mass. As you can see the restoring force constant i.e. the spring constant does not depend on mass and hence the resulting motion Does depend on mass.

What is the effect of mass on harmonic motion?

I would say the effect of mass on simple harmonic motion that it will execute under given conditions depends on the nature of the “Restoring Force” . And the final characteristic frequency depends on the ration k/m or restoring force constant/ mass.