
Is China or India the oldest civilization?

Is China or India the oldest civilization?

China is the oldest surviving civilization.

How old is China and India?

India is older than China according to the already proven evidence found in the Indus Vally which lies between India and Pakistan. China’s ancient books claim it has a history of 5000 years, which is continous due to the consistant use of the characters.

How old is Egypt civilization?

For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world.

Which is the oldest civilization in India?

Indus valley civilization
Indus valley civilization and Harappan civilization are the oldest civilization of India .

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What is the earliest civilization in the Old World?

Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China are believed to be the earliest in the Old World. The extent to which there was significant influence between the early civilizations of the Near East and the Indus Valley with the Chinese civilization of East Asia (Far East) is disputed.

What is the origin of the Egyptian civilization?

The Ancient Egyptian Civilization was established when King Menes—the first pharaoh—unified Upper and Lower Egypt in 3150 BCE. For the most part, its people gathered along the banks of the Nile river.

What is the difference between Mesopotamia Egypt Egypt and China?

Mesopotamia was were the Sumer, Aryans, Hitties, and Phonecians lived. Egypt is where the ancient Egyptians thrived and prospered. The Indus River Valley is where ancient India and its people began and developed. Ancient China is where the chinese began there long rule and power began.

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Where did the Indus River valley civilization begin?

The Indus River Valley is where ancient India and its people began and developed. Ancient China is where the chinese began there long rule and power began. This is a map of river valley civilizations all over the world.