Tips and tricks

Is customer service a good job for introverts?

Is customer service a good job for introverts?

Working in customer service isn’t all challenges for introverts – they bring some important strengths to their work that can give them an advantage over other personality types. In particular, introverts are frequently recognized as outstanding listeners, and listening is crucial to good customer service.

What are introverts advantages?

Because introverts tend to think before speaking or acting, they are less prone to impulsive behavior and the kinds of accidents that can result. A focus on internal rather than external cues may curtail overeating. 5 And being tuned in to the need to recharge, introverts tend to get more sleep than extroverts.

How do introverts deal with customers?

Watch Susan Cain’s Ted Talk on Introverted People and then take advantage of these tips to help you support your clients:

  1. Don’t let your biases or assumptions get in the way.
  2. Don’t expect answers right away.
  3. Avoid too much social “small talk.” Keep your coaching sessions on topic.
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Can an introvert be a cashier?

36\% of Extraverts. That said, the answer to our title question is yes, Introverts can do great in retail jobs (and many of you are the proof – salute). There are some clever approaches that can help Introverts preserve their energy (and sanity) in retail jobs, as well as some unhelpful behaviors that they can avoid.

Why are introverts more successful?

They’re Creative. It’s no surprise that introverts tend to be more introspective than extroverts, able to spend hours thinking about various topics. Because introverts are highly experienced thinkers, they tend to be more creative. They’re always imagining and making connections.

What are the advantages to being an introvert or extrovert?

Introverts are more independent and need less supervision. Many extroverts insist on teamwork and being a team player, an attitude common to both modern corporate life and the classroom. Because introverts are more private, they’re inclined to cultivate a lifestyle that maximizes autonomy and self-sufficiency.