Tips and tricks

Is dating OK before marriage?

Is dating OK before marriage?

Dating someone before marriage can help you to find out whether you want to be with that person or not. It can help you in understanding if you are compatible with each other or not. You can understand each other in a better way and find it easy in adjusting with each other after the marriage.

How can I get a boyfriend in India?

How to get a boyfriend? 5 foolproof ways to make him go head over heels for you!

  1. Men love chasing. So what you have to do is be a little flirty, fun and sexy and obviously seem like hard to impress.
  2. Dress to impress.
  3. Refrain from any kind of negative talks.
  4. Have a life of your own.
  5. Make more eye contact.
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Is it better to marry or just live together?

About half of U.S. adults (48\%) say couples who live together before marriage have a better chance of having a successful marriage than those who don’t live together before marriage; 13\% say couples who live together before marriage have a worse chance of having a successful marriage and 38\% say it doesn’t make much …

Is it a bad thing to ask a girl out in India?

Not a bad thing, mostly it’s just hilarious that it’s a thing so many people do. Chances are, the girl you’re having out with will be down to go for Indian food, but she’ll know a better place than you. 7. She might have sensitivities about her culture

What is it like to attend a wedding in India?

Indian weddings are huge and they’re also the most miraculous event you’ll ever attend They typically last for days, there’s mehndi (henna) and should you be fortunate enough to get invited as a plus one, try to make it through the ceremony without asking too many questions about dowries. 5.

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Where do India’s most unfaithful women live?

India’s most unfaithful women live in Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Kolkata. 52\% of women and 57\% of men have cheated on their partners during a business trip. For many of us, marriage is the bond between two people who will remain faithful to their partner in good times and bad.

Do your parents make good Indian food?

Yes, her parents probably make really good Indian food (or they at least know where the best Indian restaurants in town are) WHY IS THIS A THING PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK?