
Is Harry Potter bigger than Lord of the Rings?

Is Harry Potter bigger than Lord of the Rings?

They have a long way to go to beat the 8-film adaption of the 7-book Harry Potter series, which has earned $7.7 billion. The Lord of the Rings films have earned $2.91 billion in ticket sales so far, ranking the series ninth among franchises.

Is Harry Potter deep?

Harry has depth. He was abused as a child, lost his parents to a terrible person and found out at a young age that he was a wizard. Year after year he had to save himself and others from dying. He sacrificed his love life, a normal childhood being with his friends including HIMSELF in order to protect the entire world.

Which is better LOTR or Harry Potter?

Harry Potter has much more rounded and relatable characters and (I would argue) better storytelling than LOTR, but LOTR is way better at world-building and lore. The Harry Potter series does character development beautifully.

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Does Harry Potter ever cry?

Harry rarely cried in the books, but finally seeing where his parents lay was completely overwhelming for him.

What is the difference between Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter?

Answer by Ernest W. Adams, Tolkien reader since 1968, on Quora: The Harry Potter series is much more psychologically deep than The Lord of the Rings. It includes rich, three-dimensional characters. Harry Potter starts out worshiping his father and eventually learns that his father was actually a bit of a bully.

Why was The Lord of the Rings so successful?

The success of the Lord of the Rings movie series is just as unlikely as the Harry Potter book series. Lord of the Rings was a make-or-break gamble for New Line Cinema, one of the few series to shoot multiple movies at the same time and actually work, and was helmed by a director who was often best known for dirty puppet movies.

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Why should I read Harry Potter?

If you adore modern-language, engrossing in novels and love well-rounded characters we can find in our world, you’ll side with the “Harry Potter team.” Harry Potter is a book designed for young readers (and as a humongous fan myself, adult readers will appreciate it too) with a less dark perspective on things than Lord of the Rings.

Why do people like Harry Potter so much?

Harry Potter also has a booming website and has huge amounts of fan fiction. But truthfully Harry Potter has a stronger more powerful main character, a way more creative setting, and has is written for many types of people.