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Is having a simian crease bad?

Is having a simian crease bad?

Having a single palmar crease is often normal. However, it may also be associated with various conditions that affect a person’s mental and physical growth, including: Down syndrome. Aarskog syndrome.

How rare is simian line?

Simian line is a rare genetic disorder. Studies have indicated that the simian line is observed in 28\% to 86\% of people with Down syndrome (according various sources), while the simian line is seen in only about 1\% of the healthy people. SIMIAN LINE = I + II-III.

Is simian line lucky?

Simian lines do not bring about bad luck but because these people are different their life is going to be different. The difference is a subjective word it can be good or bad as well. The other indications on the palm are good with a simian line it will lead to good results success.

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How rare is a simian line?

Simian line is a rare genetic disorder. Studies have indicated that the simian line is observed in 28\% to 86\% of people with Down syndrome (according various sources), while the simian line is seen in only about 1\% of the healthy people.

Is it rare for your palm lines to line up?

There’s one line in the palm, however, that is extremely rare and portends many good things for those who have it. Palm readers urge everyone to look for it on their own hands to see if they are one of the lucky carriers.

What does it mean to have a simian crease on your hand?

If this line is found on the major hand, the person will be single- minded and have strong physical appetites. He or she will find it hard to relax and is likely to be a high achiever. If the Simian crease is found on both hands the person will go his or her own way requiring little input from others. He or she will be stubborn and unyielding.

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What is a simian crease in geography?

Answer Wiki. The Simian Crease occurs when the Head Line and the Heart Line combine to form one single line running across the palm.

Do people with trisomia have simian crease?

However people with some kind of trisomia (especially trisomia 21 aka Down Syndrome) have a 60\% probability to posess a Simian Crease, also it may be linked to Klinefelter and Turner Syndrome.

How common is the Simian Line in humans?

The Simian line is more common on males and usually runs in families, and not all have it on both hands. Worldwide it is found only on around 1.5\% on one hand. It is also more common on Asians and native Americans. Pierre Paul Broca, a physician and anthropologist in 1877, presented the traditional view of palm lines in anthropology.
