
Is internship compulsory in VIT Vellore?

Is internship compulsory in VIT Vellore?

FAQs – Importance of Internships For Engineering Students. – Is doing an internship compulsory for engineering students? Yes, it is a must for engineering students. It enables the students to develop a professional aptitude and broaden the spectrum of knowledge and experience.

Is it compulsory to join clubs in Vit?

All club activities are mandatory . No credits will be awarded for NON-FFCS clubs. It’s purely for volunteering the clubs.

Is internship compulsory for BTech students?

Currently, it is mandatory for students to undergo a four-week internship during the end of the seventh semester as per the guidelines from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Can I do an internship at VIT University during the semester?

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For an internship to be evaluated by VIT, it needs to for a duration of atleast 4 weeks or 28 days (This includes holidays like public holidays, Saturday, Sunday). For VIT has a rigorous curriculum and you’ll be packed throughout the semester. There is no way you can intern during the semester. The only option is interning in the vacations.

Does VIT Vellore send emails to students for internships?

The Placement Cell of VIT Vellore does send emails regarding internships to students for internships after the third year. In the 6th semester, you’ll be getting many emails from VIT related to summer internships in various multinational companies, which you can avail.

Which companies come to vit for internships and PPO?

During my time Microsoft and Visa had come for internships and PPO depending on performance. Apart from this Cisco has a programme tie up with VIT called CcoeE which provides intensive training + internship + placement. These are all during third year mainly. We had a few core firms offering internship as well like Ford and TVS.

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Is it possible to do an internship in the vacation period?

The only option is interning in the vacations. Online internships hold little value as you are not exposed to the work procedures and might not know the technicalities of the work associated. You can, however, use these (online) internships to showcase skills developed during placements in the University.