
Is INTP an intelligence?

Is INTP an intelligence?

INTPs are often viewed as naturally intelligent people, which is owed in large part to the type of intelligence they often express outwardly. INTPs enjoy spending a lot of their time researching and learning new things and they are capable of absorbing a lot of information at once.

How smart is a 124 IQ?

Historical IQ classification tables

IQ Range (“ratio IQ”) IQ Classification
125–149 Superior
115–124 Very bright
105–114 Bright
95–104 Average

Is 140 high IQ?

Understanding IQ Tests On a standardized exam, such as the Stanford-Binet test, the average IQ score is 100. Anything above 140 is considered a high or genius-level IQ.

How smart is a 144 IQ?

85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted.

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Is an INTP with an IQ of 150 smarter than INTPs?

An INTP with an I.Q. of 150 is really smarter than an INTP with an I.Q. of 140, provided that both INTPs have the same levels of Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Perceiving rather than being borderline on one of the preferences.

What is the difference between intp1 and intp2?

INTP 2 is 7\% and 89–96. INTP 1 is 4\% and is 81–89. For context, 115 is considered the beginning of properly high IQ, the raw cognitive ability to take just about any education or perform almost any profession. Only 15\% of people have it or above, vs literally most INTP’s.

Is the INTP personality type the epitomy of intelligence?

Culturally speaking–I deal in stereotypes–the INTP personality is considered the very epitomy of intelligence. People reason thus: Einstein was an INTP; Einstein was a genius; INTPs act like Einstein; therefore every INTP is a genius.

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Are all INTPs geniuses?

Now. Culturally speaking–I deal in stereotypes–the INTP personality is considered the very epitomy of intelligence. People reason thus: Einstein was an INTP; Einstein was a genius; INTPs act like Einstein; therefore every INTP is a genius.