
Is it a sin to cause someone else to sin?

Is it a sin to cause someone else to sin?

If we eat meat in front them, and cause them to eat meat against their own conscience, then we have caused them to sin against themself, and we bear some responsibility for that sin. Yes it is. It is not unforgiveable but, it is still a sin.

Does the Bible say one sin is worse than another?

Scripture clearly indicates that God does view sin differently and that He proscribed a different punishment for sin depending upon its severity. While God does see sin differently we now have Jesus to forgive us of our sin.

What are the causes of sin?

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​State five causes of sin according to Genesis 3-11

  • Desire to be like God/greed for power.
  • Disobedience of man/breaking of the commandments.
  • Lack of faith in God.
  • Convincing temptation from the serpent.
  • Anger and jealousy made Cain to kill Abel after God had high regards for him.

What’s the opposite of a sin?

The antonym of sin is good deed. Sin means an action that is against religious rules, so the antonym should be in accordance with religion. According to many dictionaries virtue is the antonym of vice. Because it’s referring to something moral rather being religious.

Which sins are the worst?

The most serious sins, found at the lowest level, are the irrational sins linked to the intelligent aspect, such as pride and envy. Abusing one’s passions with wrath or a lack of passion as with sloth also weighs down the soul but not as much as the abuse of one’s rational faculty.

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What is the difference between a sin and a mistake?

For example, a legitimate mistake might be: Turning onto a one-way street, going the wrong way. Pouring salt into your coffee, thinking it was sugar. Mis-typing a web address and ending up on a porn site. These could all be legitimate mistakes. They happen because we get distracted or careless. But a sin is more than a mistake.

Does God punish us for our sins?

Because of the sacrifice of Christ, God sees only the righteousness of Christ when He looks at us. Our sin has been nailed to the cross with Jesus, and we will never be “punished” for it, in the sense of being condemned. At the same time, God does discipline His children when they err, as any good father would.

How does sin destroy your relationship with God?

If you hurt other people, then you probably know how it destroys it. If you don’t hurt others directly then sin hurts you and your relation with God. When you go away from the Lord you are unable to connect with other people, you are unable to love them and also to accept love from them.

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How should we deal with the consequences of sin?

Therefore, we not only have to deal with God’s discipline for our disobedience, but we also have to deal with the natural consequences resulting from sin. If a believer steals something, God will forgive him and cleanse him from the sin of theft, restoring fellowship between Himself and the repentant thief.