
Is it auspicious to get married in Navratri?

Is it auspicious to get married in Navratri?

It is believed that during Navratri, auspicious work should be done for Bhoomi Poojan, house entry, shopping, starting of new work, etc. But if we get married, it is forbidden to do it.

What is prohibited during Navratri?

Foods to be avoided during Navratri Common salt is not used and instead rock salt or sendha namak also called as upvaas ka namak is used. Spices like turmeric (haldi), asafoetida (hing), mustard (sarson or rai), fenugreek seeds (methi dana), garam masala and dhania powder (coriander powder) are not allowed.

Can you get married during Dussehra?

Dussehra is considered to be an auspicious day for Indians. Dussehra is one of the most auspicious muhurat (moment or time) out of the sade teen (three and a half) muhurats in Hindu Astrology. Any time on this day, is auspicious enough to start important activities like weddings, new business etc.

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Can you conceive during Navratri?

Can pregnant women fast during Navratri? Expecting mothers are not allowed to do long hours of fasting as it might affect the growth of the baby. Pregnant women will be allowed to fast with the doctor’s consent but making sure that they incorporate small frequent nutrient dense meals throughout the day.

Is Navratri considered auspicious?

Navratri is an auspicious festival in which people observe fast and pray to the goddess for nine days. The festival holds great significance for all Hindus so those who offer prayer to the goddess and observe must follow some strict rules during these nine days for prosperity and wealth.

Can I cut my hair during Navratri?

02/11​Cutting your nails and hair Cutting your nails and hair during Navratri is strictly prohibited. It is believed that doing so enrages the goddess and one has to face her wrath. If you have to go to the office, then you can shave once or twice, but avoid cutting hair and nails for nine days.

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Is ekadashi good for marriage?

As far as days are concerned, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious for marriage. Tithis such as Dwitiya (2), Tritiya (3), Panchami (5), Saptami (7), Ekadashi (11) and Trayodashi (13) are best suited for marriage.

Is ekadashi good day for marriage?

Is marriage a good idea during Navratri?

Hence Marriage is a complete misfit for this period because in marriage lot of focus is on satisfying physical needs through sex. Hence I would strongly recommend not to go for marriage during Navratri.

What should you not do during Chaitra Navratri?

That is one reason why people love to fast during Chaitra Navratri, as it detoxifies our body and makes it healthy once again. It is also suggested that one should avoid getting a haircut, eat garlic or onion, washing clothes during Chaitra Navratri as this may invite the wrath of Goddess Durga.

Can I get a haircut during Navratri?

Ideally, one should not get one’s hair cut or do a shave during Navratri — it is said that this angers Goddess Durga and invites her wrath. If you have work commitments, then you can probably give yourself a shave a couple of times, but avoid getting your hair cut. Also. do not organize a mundan ceremony for your child in this period.

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Do you avoid a lot of calories on Navratri?

A lot of people assume that since they are not having regular food such as paratha, white rice, sweets and bread, they are avoiding a lot of calories on Navratri. However, this is so not true! A lot of vrat food is deep friend, but make an effort to either shallow fry it or bake it for better results.