
Is it bad to have long variable names?

Is it bad to have long variable names?

Having really long variable names will muddle up your code’s readability, so you want to avoid those. But on the other end of the spectrum, you want to avoid ultra-short names or acronyms like “n” or “ne.” Short, cryptic names like these will cause someone trying to read your code to tear their hair out.

What is a good variable name?

A good variable name should: Be clear and concise. Be written in English. A general coding practice is to write code with variable names in English, as that is the most likely common language between programmers.

Can function names be too long?

A function name is too long when it starts to either over-describe what it does, or when it hinders readability of the code.

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How long can variable names be?

64 characters
Variable names must be unique in a Dataset. Variable names are up to 64 characters long and can only contain letters, digits and nonpunctuation characters (except that a period (.) is allowed.

Does variable name length affect performance?

A variable name is just a name only used by a programmer. To handle variables, computers use memory address instead of variable name. However long the variable name is, it will be translated to a memory address when the program runs. Thus, it does not affect the performance when the program executes.

Do variable names take memory?

A variable is the name of a memory cell. It is “variable” because the value in the cell can change. Each memory cell has an address….Variables and Memory Locations.

Address Value
4 8

How long should variable names be Python?

Officially, variable names in Python can be any length and can consist of uppercase and lowercase letters ( A-Z , a-z ), digits ( 0-9 ), and the underscore character ( _ ).

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What are the variable names?

A variable name is a word that consists only of the following:

  • English letters A.. Z and a.. z;
  • Digits 0..
  • an underscore character “_”.

How long should variable name be?

Variable names must be unique in a Dataset. Variable names are up to 64 characters long and can only contain letters, digits and nonpunctuation characters (except that a period (.) is allowed.

How long should variable names be C++?

1 to 255 characters
Variable names in C++ can range from 1 to 255 characters. All variable names must begin with a letter of the alphabet or an underscore(_). After the first initial letter, variable names can also contain letters and numbers. Variable names are case sensitive.

How important are variable and function names in programming?

So long as your variable and function names are consistent and descriptive, don’t get too hung up about it (you might consider naming functions as verbs to make your code “read” better).

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How long should the name of a variable be?

It must be long enough to be descriptive, yet short enough to be memorable and useful. Over the years, the following rule of thumb has evolved. Good variable names are created by using one word or by putting two or three words together, separated by “_”. For example:

What are some examples of variable names that have little meaning?

For example, naming a variable g has little meaning, but naming a variable gravity gives a much better description of what the variable should contain. By using proper variable and function names, you should minimize the amount of “external” documentation that is necessary.

When can I use short variable names?

In some cases you can use short variable names. For example, when dealing with a graphic position, the variables x and y are descriptive. Also, the variable named ” i ” is frequently used as a general purpose, handy dandy, local index. Its popularity makes it acceptable as a variable name, even though the name index is more descriptive.