Tips and tricks

Is it better to work harder or smarter?

Is it better to work harder or smarter?

The Bottom Line. The key to greater productivity is to work smarter, not harder. Working smarter saves precious time and energy for the things that really matter—your life goals, your personal growth, your health, and your relationships.

What does it mean to work smarter not harder?

Working smarter, not harder means having a clear strategy to prioritise your most important activities so you end each productive day feeling satisfied rather than overwhelmed, overcommitted, frustrated, and overworked. Everyone has their definition of working smarter, not harder.

How do you improve efficiency?

Here are the top 10 things you can do to increase employee efficiency.

  1. Don’t be afraid to delegate.
  2. Match tasks to skills.
  3. Communicate effectively.
  4. Keep goals clear and focused.
  5. Incentivize employees.
  6. Cut out the excess.
  7. Train and develop employees.
  8. Embrace telecommuting.
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Why do I feel like I have to work harder than everyone else?

A likely explanation is that you’re suffering from a common phenomenon familiar to psychologists as “egocentric bias.” True to its name, it’s our tendency to pay more attention to ourselves than to other people. People are closer to themselves than they are to anyone else.

Does working hard at your job get you what you want?

Working hard at your job does not get you much. When you work hard at a job where the boss doesn’t value your efforts, all your hard work gets you is taken for granted. Just working hard by itself will exhaust you and shorten your lifespan without any benefits to you.

Is just working hard enough to be successful?

Just working hard by itself will exhaust you and shorten your lifespan without any benefits to you. There has to be more to success than merely working hard, or millions of people around the world would be a lot more successful than they are!

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Why do people get bored at work?

People go to work, do their jobs adequately, and go home. Employees have a great work life balance, and they make very respectable livings – and my friend is miserable because she’s a high-achiever and thus, bored stiff. I’m usually in conversations on the other side of this: employers demanding so much that people are stressed and exhausted.

Does underwork create disaffection or overwork?

Underwork may actually create more disaffection than overwork. One study found that those who aren’t professionally challenged rated work satisfaction a 49 out of 100, while those who are overworked rated it 57.