
Is it correct to say looks like?

Is it correct to say looks like?

Cheers! Which is correct: “looks like” or “look like”? Both are correct. The one with the “s” is singular; the one without is plural.

Is she look like me meaning?

look like (someone or something) To physically resemble someone or something.

What does she look like meaning?

What does she look like? = describe her physical appearance, generally. How does she look? = describe her physical appearance, right now. For example, “She looks beautiful today, with her hair done up.”

Should I use look or looks?

Looks and Look are not interchangeable. They are often used this way colloquially to say that someone has a generally pleasurable appearance, but this is technically incorrect. If it is your intent to phrase this sentence correctly, you should use looks.

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What can I say instead of looks like?

seem; appear; look like; look; resemble; bear resemblance to; be like.

What’s the word when someone looks like you?

doppelganger Add to list Share. Someone who looks spookily like you, but isn’t a twin, is a doppelganger. The word doppelganger is German and literally means double walker — as in a ghost or shadow of yourself. An easy way to remember it is that doppelganger sounds like double, as in “That movie star is my double.

What you look like or how you look like?

Summary: It’s correct to use the question word what with the preposition like, but incorrect to use the question word how with the preposition like. So what it looks like is correct, but *how it looks like is incorrect. In grammatical terms, we need to use the noun what after the preposition like, not the adverb how.

What it looks like vs how it looks like?

What’s the meaning of look like?

Definition of look like : to have an appearance that is very similar to (someone or something) : to resemble (someone or something) You look just like your mother! That powdered sugar looks like snow.

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Is it correct to say looks good?

Whether either is correct depends on what you are trying to say. If you write, “Sally looks good in her new dress”, “good” is an adjective. The construction is similar to if you wrote, “The dress looks blue”. If you write, “Sally looks well”, people would normally understand you to mean “well” in the sense of healthy.

What is the difference between looks and looks?

Looks and Look are not interchangeable. They are often used this way colloquially to say that someone has a generally pleasurable appearance, but this is technically incorrect. If it is your intent to phrase this sentence correctly, you should use looks. Another area that people get confused is the list example. e.g. My dog and I look for the ball.

Is there any other way to use the word look correctly?

There is no other way to use this word correctly. Looks and Look are not interchangeable. They are often used this way colloquially to say that someone has a generally pleasurable appearance, but this is technically incorrect. If it is your intent to phrase this sentence correctly, you should use looks.

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Is it grammatically correct to refer to an appearance as ‘looks’?

If only one appearance was described, the usage of the word “look” needs to reference the singularity of its reference. For the same reason that is would be grammatically incorrect to refer to one canine by using the word “dogs,” it would be equally incorrect to refer to an outfit as looks, even if a parson is wearing it.

Is it “she is more like you or take after”?

Fore instance “she is more like you!”. hrsanei It sounds correct to me, but I would use the word resemble. Its amazing how closely you two resemble each other. take after is a phrasal verb that can also be used . The original is very natural in American English.