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Is it glimpse or get a glimpse?

Is it glimpse or get a glimpse?

If you get a glimpse of someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well. If you glimpse someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well.

How do you use glimpse in a sentence?

Glimpse sentence example

  1. She got a glimpse of the horse in the trailer.
  2. Kris caught a glimpse of what looked like a shopping mall west of them.
  3. Already, we get a glimpse of what is to come.
  4. Today, when he had caught a glimpse of her, she seemed still more lovely.

What is take a glimpse?

verb. see something for a brief time. synonyms: catch sight, get a look. type of: see. perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight.

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Can we say take a glimpse?

As was explained, a glimpse is often unintentional, but you can only “take” something in this kind of semantic context intentionally, it’s something you choose to do, so there’s a clash of logic. You can “catch a glimpse”, but not “take a glimpse”. Similarly, there’s no need for “taking a glance”. “Glancing” is enough.

What kind of word is unwary?

adjective, un·war·i·er, un·war·i·est. not wary; not cautious or watchful, as against danger or misfortune.

What part of speech is glimpse?


part of speech: noun
related words: observe, regard, sight
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to look quickly; glance (usu. fol. by “at”). She glimpsed at the return address and quickly ripped open the envelope. similar words: glance, peep
related words: look

Is glimpse transitive or intransitive?

verb transitive To see or view briefly or incompletely .

Is glimpse a countable noun?

(countable) When you catch a glimpse of something, you see it only for a moment. I caught a glimpse of baby Prince George as his parents left the hospital.

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How do you say take a look in a formal way?


  1. check out.
  2. consider.
  3. contemplate.
  4. eyeball.
  5. gape.
  6. give the eye.
  7. glance at.
  8. have a look.

What does catch a glimpse mean?

catch sight of someone or something. and catch a glimpse of someone or something. to see someone or something briefly; to get a quick look at someone or something. I caught sight of the plane just before it flew out of sight.

What is another word for get a glimpse of?

Synonyms for got a glimpse of include seen, viewed, noticed, observed, eyed, glimpsed, perceived, recognized, sighted and spotted. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is the definition of glimpse?

(ɡlɪmps) n. 1. a brief or incomplete view: to catch a glimpse of the sea. 2. a vague indication: he had a glimpse of what the lecturer meant.