
Is it hard to pass the civil service exam?

Is it hard to pass the civil service exam?

Prepare by timing yourself and practicing answering questions within the time limit. One test-taking tip is to answer the questions you know first and come back to tougher questions later. Note that the exam does not penalize you for guessing. Typically, a score of 70\% or above is good enough to pass.

How tough is UPSC civil services exam?

India, being an IAS is a dream of lakhs of people but the only a handful of them can achieve it. The level of competition in the UPSC exam is huge but is it too huge that 99.9\% of applicants get failed in it! Well, this exam is tough it’s true but most of the time candidate’ own mistakes dragged them towards failure.

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What is the easiest civil service exam?

Some of the easiest government exams to crack in India include:

  • SSC Multi Tasking staff.
  • IBPS Cerk Exam.
  • SSC Stenographer.
  • IBPS Specialist Officer Exams.
  • Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET)
  • LIC Apprentice Development Officer (ADO)
  • State PSC Exams.

How many questions are on the civil service exam?

The number of questions on the Civil Service exam varies from occupation to occupation. The average test contains 165 to 170 questions, and you have between two hours and forty minutes to three hours to complete the exam. What is the test format? The Civil Service exam is delivered either computer-delivered or pencil and paper.

How to prepare for a civil service exam?

Before the Exam. Take a diagnostic exam. When reviewing for the civil service exam, you have to spend more time improving on your weakest areas. During the Exam. Arrive on time. By this time, I assume you already visited the test venue a day or two before the examination. After the Exam. Waiting for the results can also cause a lot of anxiety.

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What are the civil service exam requirements?

What are the requirements of Civil Service Exam? Fully accomplished Application Form ( CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016). Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows: Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches) Colored, with white background Taken Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D.

Should I take the civil service exam?

If you want to work for the local, state, or federal government, you’ll need to take a civil service exam before applying for specific jobs within an agency or department. There are a few civil service exams, each covering different fields, positions, roles, and responsibilities.