
Is it illegal to pay for information?

Is it illegal to pay for information?

Effective January 1, 2018, Labor Code section 432.3 prohibits an employer from, either orally or in writing, personally or through an agent, asking any information concerning an applicant’s salary history information, which includes compensation as well as benefits.

Is pay secrecy illegal?

in 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Equal Pay Act, a piece of legislation determined to expand existing anti-discrimination laws in California workplaces. The Act prohibits employers from forbidding employees from discussing their wages or the wages of other employees.

Is pay transparency legal?

There’s a popular saying: “As California goes, so goes the nation,” and when it comes to salary transparency, the adage holds true. As of Jan. 1, 2018, California’s Equal Pay Act prohibits employers from requesting applicants’ salary history and requires that companies provide a salary range to applicants upon request.

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What is a shield law for journalists?

Shield laws are statutes that provide journalists either an absolute or qualified privilege to refuse to disclose sources used or information obtained in the course of news gathering.

What is an anonymous source in journalism?

The use of anonymous sources encourages some sources to divulge information which it is illegal for them to divulge, such as the details of a legal settlement, grand jury testimony, or classified information.

Is pay confidential?

in 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Equal Pay Act, a piece of legislation determined to expand existing anti-discrimination laws in California workplaces.

Are pay secrecy clauses legal?

So, pay secrecy exists and it is perfectly legal. Pay secrecy clauses reduce employee bargaining power and often result in economic disadvantage. Pay secrecy is also known to significantly extend the gender pay gap.

What is the IRS’s Whistleblower informant Award?

The IRS’s Whistleblower Informant Award aims to uncover tax fraud. The U.S. Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 guards government employees from retaliation when reporting a wide variety of abuses, violations of law, waste and actions posing a threat to health or safety.

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Are whistleblowers disloyal to the government?

Still, whistleblowers are routinely perceived as disloyal to the organization, “so what’s playing out in the federal government is disappointing … but it’s not unusual by any means,” says Schweitzer. “Moral courage is hard, and in the moment it is far easier to be complicit.

How to file a complaint against a whistleblower for retaliation?

Filing a Complaint of Whistleblower Retaliation or Threatened Retaliation 1 The OPM OIG Hotline. The OPM OIG investigates allegations of whistleblower retaliation against OPM employees and applicants for employment at OPM. 2 The Office of Special Counsel. 3 The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Should whistleblowers have to confront corruption?

In some sectors, confrontation is inevitable, since whistleblowing is mandatory — when a teacher learns of sexual misconduct in a school, for instance. Since 1978, New York City has required city workers to report instances of waste, fraud, abuse or corruption, lest they face disciplinary action.