Tips and tricks

Is it more useful to learn German or Italian?

Is it more useful to learn German or Italian?

In short: Despite German being closely related to English, Italian actually is a great deal less complicated to learn for an English speaker. So if your main concern is the difficulty, go with Italian!

Which language is easier to learn German or Italian?

Any language can be considered equally difficult or easy; it mostly depends upon you and how willingly you want to learn it or you are just learning it for some reasons. But as compared to German, Italian is considerably more easy because it is known as a basic language which forms the base for some other languages.

Is German or Italian more difficult?

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Its grammar is less intuitive for me than German, but it is not significantly harder. Any Spanish or French you may already know makes Italian quite a bit easier. IMHO, neither one is really easier or harder for an English speaker to learn. Equal difficulty, just in different ways, but neither one is terribly hard.

Is German the most difficult language to learn?

It’s also an official language of Austria and Switzerland, both of which boast strong economies, too. German is the most common native language. More than 90 million people in the world speak it. However, many learners of German claim it is not the easiest to learn. High schoolers, for example, tend to have difficulty communicating in German]

What are the most useful languages to learn after English?

Here are the 7 most useful languages to learn after English: Spanish; French; Chinese; German; Japanese; Arabic; Portuguese; Top 7 Most Useful Languages to Learn for English Speakers. As we said, many people learn a new language to get a new job, to move up the ladder, or to earn more money at their current job.

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What are the best languages to learn for business?

In both Europe and the US, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language after English. It is also the officially spoken language of four continents. This makes learning Spanish very beneficial, especially for those in business simply due to the number of people who speak it. 2. French

Should you learn Spanish or Portuguese in Brazil?

While Spanish has become the de facto language to learn for many, Portuguese is rising in importance. Professionals who work in business, logistics, and agriculture are sure to find Brazilian Portuguese a plus. Financial Aspect: Although Portuguese isn’t as in demand as Spanish, it is currently on the rise.