Tips and tricks

Is it necessary to give JEE for science?

Is it necessary to give JEE for science?

The answer is no. JEE mains is the entrance test uses to filter of students for B. Tech in various NITs and IIITs across India. If you clear JEE Mains you get to appear in JEE Advanced.

Is JEE exam for science students?

Candidates from any stream who have studied mathematics in Class XII will now be eligible to sit for the entrance test for the Bachelors’ in Planning.

Is it important to give JEE exam?

IIT JEE exam which consists of JEE Main and JEE Advanced is one of the most important entrance exams for engineering aspirants. The exam is held for candidates who are aspiring to pursue a career in the field of engineering and technical studies.

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Is JEE compulsory for IIT?

JEE Advanced entrance exam consists of two papers – Paper-I and Paper-2. Both these papers are compulsory and candidates seeking admission in IITs must clear these exams.

What is the importance of the JEE exam?

JEE is the most important exam in India for those students who want to pursue engineering degree after class 12 . Admission in most engineering colleges in India are made on the basis of JEE mains score . Someone can judge the standard of engineering college by seeing the JEE mains score of crowd admitted .

Which subjects are not eligible for JEE Mains?

Students who have studied less than 5 subjects in their qualifying exam are not eligible for JEE Main. Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Language and one more subject of choice is required as eligibility for JEE Main.

How many times can we give JEE exam in a year?

The students can avail a maximum of three consecutive attempts for JEE Main and two consecutive attempts for JEE Advanced. The first attempt is taken soon after 12th board exams followed by the other attempts in consecutive years. The exam will be held 4 times in a year so total attempts a candidate can appear for are 12.

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Can a 12th maths student apply for JEE Main?

NTA has opened a door for students who had Mathematics as a subject in their higher secondary class, even if they did not study physics and chemistry. Now, students with mathematics in class 12th can apply for JEE Main. Starting from JEE Main 2020, there is a new exam at the national level exam for undergraduate courses – B.Planning.