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Is it offensive to tell someone they look tired?

Is it offensive to tell someone they look tired?

Yes, it is rude to tell someone that they look tired. For one thing, that’s pretty synonymous with “you look like crap,” which no one likes hearing, and is never nice. For another, a person who looks tired most likely is tired, and a person who is tired most surely knows it. And really, it’s a very personal comment.

Should you tell a woman she looks tired?

It’s fine, mostly, to say, “You seem tired.” (I say “mostly” because even if he or she is tired and you had reason to believe that, there might be a better way to ask.) But when you conclude that someone looks tired, you’re going based off his or her physical appearance.

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What does it mean when you look tired?

Lack of water in the body can make you look tired and leads to swelling of eyes. This happens because the skin around your eyes is very sensitive and dehydration can make them look exhausted. So, even after getting seven to eight hours of sleep, drink plenty of fluid.

Why do men always look tired?

Tired, dull skin can also be caused by the over-accumulation of dead skin cells. The problem occurs when you have too many old cells covering up the new skin beneath. They can also clog pores and put you at risk for breakouts. Reveal the bright, clear skin beneath that top layer of dead skin with face scrub for men.

Why do I look tired in photos?

Our blood volume lowers, meaning we don’t get as much blood to our brains and our heart has to pump faster. While our body is working overtime, the blood (and colour) is diverted away from places that don’t need it, like our faces, causing us to look ultra-drained.

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Is it always a bad thing when someone says you look tired?

It is always a bad thing when someone tells you that you look tired. It means that your skin is sagging, you’ve got bags or dark circles under your eyes, you aren’t focused, etc., etc. Looking tired means that you simply are not looking your best, and someone telling you that you don’t look your best is not helpful (see #1 above).

Is it rude to tell a girl they look tired?

In America, if you tell a girl they look tired, most of them take it as you telling them they look bad, or they look worse than usual. Every time I’ve been told I looked tired was when I hadn’t worn makeup or hadn’t styled my hair as nice as usual. People basically were saying I didn’t look as good as I usually did. It’s insulting.

Is it rude to tell someone they look tired in Nigeria?

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He said, “In Nigeria, telling someone you look tired is a compliment. It means you’ve been working hard.” So, the answer is, it depends on the country. In America, it’s rude. In Nigeria, it’s a compliment!