
Is it OK to marry against parents wish?

Is it OK to marry against parents wish?

It is possible that they are against the marriage because of their concern for your long term happiness with your partner. If you are certain that their conflict is because of their ego needs, then you need to take the decision to marry him, despite their objection and you should choose your own happiness.

Can you marry someone but be in love with someone else?

You can be happily married but fall in with love someone else after marriage – and while that may sound like the beginning of an extramarital affair, it may not always be true. There can be many reasons why despite being married you constantly find yourself thinking about someone else.

How to know if a man is madly in love with you?

A partner who is in love believes the person of their affection can achieve anything. They are aware of your capacities and strengths. Hence, they believe in your success and actively support it. 5. They are always there How to be sure if he is madly in love? When a man constantly say love you you still need to check one more thing to be sure.

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How do you deal with a man who is getting married?

The first word that comes to my mind is: acceptance. If you accept and surrender to the fact that the man you love is marrying someone else, you will start the healing process. The second word that comes to my mind is grief. Allow yourself to grieve your loss. Loving a man is giving him the most important part of yourself – your heart.

Is it possible to be married but think about someone else?

Before you definitively declare, “I’m married but constantly thinking about someone else,” here are some signs that indicate that you might be in love but thinking about someone other than your spouse: It’s important to note that the items on this list are more than likely very similar to the things you experienced when you first met your spouse.

Can you be attracted to someone outside of your marriage?

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You’ll inevitably be attracted to people outside your marriage, constantly or just occasionally — that’s just human nature. Even if your marriage is solid and you’re deeply in love with your spouse, you will, at some point, find yourself attracted to someone else and yet have no desire whatsoever to cheat on your spouse.