
Is it okay for your spouse to find others attractive?

Is it okay for your spouse to find others attractive?

There’s nothing wrong with feeling an attraction to another person when you’re in a relationship. But you can control whether you nurture the crush or acknowledge it and move on. Having a crush on someone other than your partner while you’re in a relationship is totally normal.

Why do married people get attracted to others?

Married people develop crushes for the same reasons as all the rest of us: They’ve been interacting with an attractive or interesting person that they vibe with.

Can a married woman be attracted to other women?

Married women who are bisexual may experience attraction to other women but not act on it if they’re in a monogamous relationship. Still, if they’re in an open relationship, they may experience attraction to other women and have the opportunity to act on it.

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Is it normal for a married woman to be attracted to other men?

Before we go into signs that show a married woman is attracted to you, let’s go over the most basic question. Yes, it is normal for a married woman to be attracted to other men. Being married doesn’t turn off your sexuality, and several married people–men and women–get attracted to others even though they love their spouses.

Is it normal to be attracted to people outside of your relationship?

Let everything else come and go, as it inevitably will. It should be clear by now that it’s normal to be attracted to people outside our relationship, and we don’t have to punish ourselves for it. However, we can recognize attraction to others — and then let it go — as a way of strengthening our commitment to our partner.

Is it okay to fantasize about other women when married?

Just because you are married doesn’t mean that you are blind to another woman’s charms (or dead from the waist down except when you’re with your spouse). Every thought, feeling and fantasy is fine, so long as you are clear on the difference between feeling and acting.

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How do you know if a married woman wants you?

When a married woman wants you, she will start opening up about the cracks in her marriage. She’ll also start talking about the issues she has with her husband and may even vent about him to you. The most obvious sign to look out for is when she creates a contrast between you and her husband.