Tips and tricks

Is it okay to date someone with different interests?

Is it okay to date someone with different interests?

But there are plenty of couples whose interests diverge. As long as a couple prioritizes spending time together on a regular basis, it is reasonable to pursue completely different interests.

Can you date someone without anything in common?

Differences don’t have to be a problem, and can even be eye-opening if you choose to share them with each other. As long as you have similar core values and work to create a harmonious relationship, experts say you can still have a long-lasting relationship, even if you don’t have the following in common.

Can you date someone you have nothing in common with?

Originally Answered: Is it possible to have a lasting relationship with someone who you have nothing in common with? Yes it is. It is very possible as long as you both are giving and caring people. If you care deeply about someone, you want to find out about more about them.

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How do you hold a conversation with someone you have nothing in common with?

Below, Martinet and other experts share their best advice for talking to someone you seemingly have nothing in common with.

  1. Go into the conversation assuming the other person will be interesting.
  2. Become a great listener.
  3. Come armed with a cheat sheet of good generic questions.

Do You and your partner need to have common interests?

You and your partner don’t need to spend every waking moment together, and don’t need to have common interests, because the shared values are what hold you together.

Why do people say common interests don’t mean compatibility?

Because you may be the best of friends, have amazing chemistry, and really “get” each other, but if both of you have the same flaws, the relationship may be untenable. This is what I mean by compatibility. Common interests have NOTHING TO DO with compatibility.

Is it possible to have separate interests in a relationship?

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It’s a marvelous arrangement, and is only possible because of one thing: separate interests. 2. You will broaden your horizons. As long as you’re mildly curious, you and your partner will constantly be learning new things from each other. For instance, before our relationship began, I did almost no volunteer work at all.

What values do you value most in a relationship?

Values like how you treat other people, cats or dogs (or both if you’re FREAKS), monogamy vs polyamory vs any other configuration, what your stance is on having children… these are way more important than common interests.