
Is it possible for someone to get dumber?

Is it possible for someone to get dumber?

The idea that we get dumber as we grow older is just a myth, according to brain research that will encourage anyone old enough to know better. Conventional wisdom has it that we reach our mental peak in our mid-twenties and that it’s all downhill from there.

Can hitting your head make you dumber?

Following a concussion, the brain is unable to function as well as it did prior to injury. This is why we typically see some difficulties with memory or academics. However, once the brain recovers there is no change in a person’s overall intelligence.

Is it possible to get dumber over time?

It is possible to get ‘dumber’, I don’t know about psychologically, though. If you go through brain trauma, you’re brain doesn’t have as many connections and so you act ‘dumber’; like not remembering how to eat and walk. You might have some muscle memory still, but that’s not related to intelligence.

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Why do we get dumber when we go past words?

Going past words one has not defined, the undefined word, is one way to get dumber, more stupid. This is the primary factor in stupidity. One can learn how to reverse this and help students to feel brighter, to feel brilliant, and get all that intelligence the lost back.

Is not being able to speak a sign of being dumb?

If you meant the actual definition of dumb, as in not able to speak, then yes. That is usually a somataform disorder. A physical symptom with a psychological cause. It will tend to go away with Pranic psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. , SafeGraph CEO. fmr LiveRamp CEO.

Can a person become dumb from being intelligent?

So, yes, people can become dumb. If you meant the actual definition of dumb, as in not able Both my parents became really stupid after they started abusing drugs and alcohol. I remember the change in them so clearly. They went from normal intelligent people to really dumb people. Fast, too.