
Is it possible that same genotype has different phenotype?

Is it possible that same genotype has different phenotype?

Due to the presence of a dominant allele, the same phenotype but distinct genotype is possible. A dominant allele always expresses itself when it is present in the genotype. A dominant allele is a variation of a gene that, even in the presence of other alleles, will produce a certain phenotype.

Do different genotypes always produce different phenotypes?

However, since an organism’s genotype generally affects its phenotype, the phenotypes that make up the population are also likely to change. For example, differences in the genotypes can produce different phenotypes.

When different genes produce the same phenotype?

Any time two different genes contribute to a single phenotype and their effects are not merely additive, those genes are said to be epistatic.

How are different phenotypes produced?

Phenotypic variation can be produced by genetic differences, environmental influences and stochastic developmental events.

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Why don t similar genotypes produce the same phenotype?

Why don’t similar genotypes always produce the same phenotype? Animals display different phenotypes dependent on diet, not genotype. the allele’s frequency should not change from one generation to the next, but its representation in homozygous and heterozygous genotypes may change.

How do genotypes determine phenotypes?

The term “phenotype” refers to the observable physical properties of an organism; these include the organism’s appearance, development, and behavior. An organism’s phenotype is determined by its genotype, which is the set of genes the organism carries, as well as by environmental influences upon these genes.

Why do PP and PP genotypes produce the same phenotype?

The combinations PP, Pp, and pP have the same phenotype-purple flowers. This is because each contains at least one dominant allele (P). Each parent has two alleles for each gene. When these alleles are different, as in Pp, offspring are equally likely to receive either allele.

Which two genotypes produce the exact same phenotype?

However, the relationship of genotype to phenotype is rarely as simple as the dominant and recessive patterns described by Mendel….Codominance.

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Blood Type Related Genotype(s)

What is the process called when one genotype gives rise to a different phenotype under different environmental conditions?

Phenotypic plasticity can be defined as ‘the ability of individual genotypes to produce different phenotypes when exposed to different environmental conditions’ (Pigliucci et al. As with any organismal trait, the way in which an individual responds to environmental influences is subject to evolutionary change.

How does genotype affect phenotype?

How can genotypes shape and interact with the environment?

In other words, each genotype responds similarly to the changing environment producing similar phenotypes. For all individual genotypes, average egg development time decreases with increasing temperature. The environment is influencing each of the genotypes in the same predictable manner.

What is the relationship between genotype phenotype and the environment?

Organisms of the same species with different genotypes can show differing norms of reaction when different phenotypes are measured or when environmental variables are altered. Therefore, a different norm of reaction exists for every combination of genotype, phenotypic trait, and environmental variable studied.

What are the similarities between genotype and phenotype?

The part of the phenotypes that is not visible can be observed in biochemical assays. Thus, the main difference between genotype and the phenotype is that genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual and phenotype is the visible characteristics of the expressed genes under the influence of the environment.

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What are some examples of a genotype?

An example of a genotype is an organism’s blood type, while an example of a phenotype is its height. Height can be affected by an organism’s poor diet while developing or growing up. A person’s genotype is the special allele combination that is in his or her genetic make-up.

What are Geno and phenotypes?

A genotype refers to the actual set of genes that an organism carries inside. When these genes are expressed under observable conditions, they are called phenotypes and the expressions are called phenotypic expressions.

What are some examples of phenotypes?

Phenotype can be determined by mere, simple observation. Examples of phenotypes are the actual visible characteristcs including: Eye color. Hair color. Height. Sound of your voice. Certain types of disease. Certain behaviors.