Is it weird to ask a girl her age?

Is it weird to ask a girl her age?

Age does matter and marks significant social and legal milestones, so it’s normal for both women and men to be asked this question considering those circumstances. But, outside of those important circumstances, there is no other real basis for this question than judging the person and that’s what makes it intrusive.

What does it mean when a girl asks about your age?

When you look older and she asks about your age, it means she wants to make sure that there is not a great age gap and mostly she will reject you because of age difference. But if the two of you are young and she asks you about your age it is mostly to make sure if you have attained legal age of 18 or not. In this case it could be a good sign.

Will a girl reject me if I ask her my age?

No Mostly No. When you look older and she asks about your age , it means she wants to make sure that there is not a great age gap and mostly she will reject you because of age difference. But if the two of you are young and she asks you about your age it is mostly to make sure if you have attained legal age of 18 or not.

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Why do girls always ask me how old Am I If I Pass?

Its a quest, girls are used to use the age as a limit to their boyfriends, so.. as every quest ( not psychological games those are different) if you pass, her consciouss mind accept the possibility if you dont, it will try to sabotage you. On my opinion, next time a girl makes you that question answer with a joke about how it isn’t a problem.

What does it mean when a girl asks if you’re interested?

Normally, subconsciously or not, it’s to weigh or categorize the person. In this case, most probable, she is asking you to see if you are within her dating range which means she is at least slightly interested. Don’t listen to this mumble jumble that people ask questions simply out of curiosity; intelligent people do things with purpose.