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Is it worth holding a grudge?

Is it worth holding a grudge?

Holding onto a grudge can significantly impact your mental and physical health. “When we hold onto grudges and resentment, it’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick,” says Angela Buttimer, MS, NCC, RYT, LPC, a licensed psychotherapist at Thomas F. Chapman Family Cancer Wellness at Piedmont.

Should old grudges be forgiven?

Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind. Forgiveness can lead to: Improved mental health. Less anxiety, stress and hostility.

How do you end a grudge?

8 Tips to Stop Holding a Grudge

  1. Acknowledge the problem. Figure out what it is that’s causing you to hold a grudge.
  2. Share your feelings. A grudge can form when an issue isn’t fully confronted.
  3. Switch places.
  4. Accept what is.
  5. Don’t dwell on it.
  6. Take the positive.
  7. Let it go.
  8. Forgive.
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Why do people hold grudges so long?

If you have low self-esteem, poor coping skills, were embarrassed by the hurt, and/or have a short temper you may be even more likely to hold a grudge. While we all may fall into holding an occasional grudge, some people may be more prone to hanging on to resentments or anger than other people.

Is it okay to hold grudges?

The only person the grudge affects is the person who holds it, along with whoever loves them and keeps getting backhanded throughout the relationship with the grudge holder. So, go ahead and hold that grudge. See how far it gets you —

Is it possible to live life without a grudge?

But as long as you are living in the past, you are not living life. The ONLY place you can really live is the present moment and by holding a grudge you prevent yourself from being in you life.

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Do enfps hold grudges?

ENFPs can hold tiny grudges, and might express their internal frustrations in passive aggressive ways. They can hold some resentment when someone says or does something that hurts their feelings, even though they don’t intend to. ENFPs try to let things go and don’t want to hold onto negativity or anger.

Do ESTJs hold grudges?

ISTJs can definitely hold onto their grudges for a while, at least until that person truly makes amends. ESTJs can definitely hold a grudge, especially if someone doesn’t try to make amends.