
Is Menma as strong as Naruto?

Is Menma as strong as Naruto?

As was the case with RTN Menma, he is the counterpart of Naruto with equally tremendous reserves of chakra and vitality. When it comes to his abilities, he has essentially the same abilities and skillset as Naruto.

Why do Naruto parents call him Menma?

In road to ninja he was in some other world and everything in the world was different and Menma is a food name too. So Jiraiya in that world named the hero character of his novel Menma and Minato named his son Menma (that is Naruto in that alternate universe) based on the novel.

Is Menma older than Naruto?

Menma Uzumaki is Naruto’s older twin brother their quite opposite Menma likes to train and work hard unlike Naruto he doesn’t do pranks at all unless they deserve it they both have the 9 tailed Fox inside of them and have the same goal to be hokage…

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Why is Naruto’s name Menma?

“Menma” is the name of a Japanese condiment which is also found in ramen. This is a parallel to where Naruto’s name originates. His family name “Namikaze” (波風) means “waves and wind”.

Is Menma namikaze evil?

Unlike Naruto, Menma fully embraced his world’s version of Kurama and became evil. He was voiced by Maile Flanagan, who also voices the real Naruto.

Who is Menma in Naruto?

Menma (メンマ, Menma ), a character that appears in Naruto 6: Road to Ninja, is the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze in the alternate universe of Konohagakure, thus making him the ” Naruto Uzumaki ” of that world. Like his counterpart, he is the jinchūriki of Kurama, the Nine-Tails. Now, he is a partner of Inao Asami, the crystal user.

Does Menma have a relationship with his parents?

However, unlike Naruto, the events of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox’s Attack didn’t result in his parent’s deaths and Menma has his parents in his life. He had a stable and loving childhood with his parents.

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Is Naruto a good dad?

Especially because one might argue that Naruto isn’t a very good dad in the first place. He’s often absent, ignores his son’s feelings, and even skips out on huge events like his daughter’s birthday. Considering Naruto’s bad dad tendencies, here are 10 Parents In The Land Of Fire Better Than Naruto.

Why does Menma have a different name in the Genjutsu world?

A reason for Menma being the only character that has a different name in the Genjutsu World could be that the naruto condiment in Naruto’s ramen became replaced with the menma condiment a little before Naruto was sent to the Genjutsu World.