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Is RBI Grade B exam tougher than Upsc?

Is RBI Grade B exam tougher than Upsc?

RBI Vs UPSC – Which One Should You Choose? Both RBI Grade B and UPSC CSE (IAS Exam) are amongst the toughest exams for government job aspirants. While RBI Grade B is mostly favored among banking aspirants, IAS Exam is favored by aspirants who prefer administrative roles in the country.

Is RBI Grade B exam easy?

The overall difficulty level of RBI Grade B exam was moderate. The General Awareness section was moderate, English Language section was easy to moderate, the Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate and Reasoning section was moderate to difficult.

Which exam is more tough cat or RBI Grade B?

In case of RBI and CAT the cycle is smaller and there is less societal pressure to crack these exams. Given the low selection ratio and limited availability of study material, RBI Grade B is one the toughest mass level* examination.

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Is it easy to crack the RBI grade B exam?

RBI GRADE B is not so easy exam but strong determination can crack it easy. You have to prepare it hard hope for the best and you will be in. Some sort of strategy is always needed to crack these exams. Get access to exclusive alternative investments.

When will the RBI grade B Phase 1 admit card 2021 be released?

RBI released the Grade B Phase 1 admit card on February 25, 2021, at The RBI Grade B exam is a three-tier exam – prelims, mains and interview.

What is it like to be an RBI officer?

Regular timings and limited travelling- I have lived in RBI colonies and often seen most of the officers including the senior ones returning home on time (6–7pm). It allows good amount of family time which is a priority in this fast paced life.

What are the different types of puzzles in RBI exam?

The puzzles can be Circular Arrangement, Linear arrangement, floor based puzzle, a tabular puzzle with two or three or even four variables, puzzles combined with blood relation or Direction sense, Square/Rectangle sitting arrangement. So in Upcoming RBI Exam, make Reasoning your main weapon for getting a high score.