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Is Spider-Man supposed to be a teen?

Is Spider-Man supposed to be a teen?

I wouldn’t say Iron Man is the most popular. Spidey’s made more money than Iron Man in toys, movies, games, & comics. The Spider-Man comics have given us interpretations of the character in both forms; the early Amazing Spider-Man days and Ultimate Spider-Man have the webslinger as a young teen no older than sixteen.

Is Peter Parker 15 years old?

Peter was traditionally 15 ( sometimes retconned to 13 ) when he was bitten by the spider and became Spider-man. He chose the name Spider-man as his wrestling then superhero moniker because he lied about his age and was pretending to be an adult. In the comics, Peter has been Spider-man for 13–20 years.

How old was Spider-Man when he got bit?

Becoming Spider-Man While attending a General Techtronics public exhibition, a 15-year-old Peter Parker was bitten on the hand by a spider, which was irradiated by the demonstration’s particle accelerator.

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Who is the youngest Spider-Man in comics?

At age fifteen, Peter Parker of Queens became New York City’s web-slinging defender. Inheriting a spider’s strength (and responsibility beyond his years), Spider-Man grew into his heroism before readers’ eyes.

How strong is Spider-Man in the comics?

As many Marvel fans know, Spider-Man is one of the comic book world’s strongest superheroes, even beating the Hulk a couple times throughout his character’s history. However, despite being one of Marvel’s strongest heroes, Spider-Man’s level of strength varies from comic to comic and movie to movie.

What is Spider-Man’s real name?

Spider-Man, also known by his real name Peter Benjamin Parker, is the titular protagonist of the Spider-Man comic series. He is a superhero who was created by the late Stan Lee and the late Steve Ditko for Marvel Comics.

Why did Spider-Man never have spider-sense in the comics?

While it was great to finally see Peter’s spider-sense come into play, the movie failed to explain why he never had it before that point, creating a pretty decently sized plot hole for the series. In the comics, Spider-Man almost always has spider-sense, except when it is inconvenient for the writers to include it.

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How long has Spider-Man been dead?

Having been dead for five years, Spider-Man was then resurrected when Hulk had managed to reverse the Snap, as Spider-Man rejoined their fight against Thanos, just in time to witness Iron Man sacrifice his life to defeat the Mad Titan.