
Is starting tennis at 15 too late?

Is starting tennis at 15 too late?

Yes to play tennis well, you should start serious play at a young age. For girls that age is lower than for boys because the women peak much younger, hit puberty earlier, and often turn pro in their later teens. So for a girl, probably 5-7 years old. Guys you can probably still go pro if you start 6-10 years old.

What age is best to start tennis?

A good age for starting tennis training is 5-6 years of age

  • Physical aspect: tennis develops visual-motor coordination and helps to strengthen muscles. It also improves agility, reaction speed and reflexes, etc.
  • Psychological aspect: thanks to the fun of the game, tennis stimulates wit and tactical thinking.

Is 25 too late to become a professional tennis player?

You can definitely become a very good player, but 25 is a VERY late start for professional. Never too late to start but not easy to do because the mind has locked in how your learning process goes. Tennis (and golf) are different from others sports because participants want instant gratification.

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What is the best age to start playing tennis?

That being said, provided you’re athletic and highly motivated, you could probably become a solid level 5 player before the age of 30. That would put you in an excellent possition to be a good tennis coach and club player. No shame in that. I am an All india tennis association player, i started at the age of 19.

Is it too late for my child to start playing sports?

If your child simply wants to try a new sport, or play it for fun, it’s never too late. After all, trying is how we figure out what we like. Helping your child find a physical activity that they enjoy is much more important for his lifelong health than getting them onto a high-level team or helping them earn a college scholarship.

How has tennis changed as we get older?

With the inevitable decline in speed, strength and stamina come necessary changes in the Xs and Os of tennis. “As you get older you don’t have the kill shot you used to have,” said Hobbs, who is also a specialist in the psychology of the game. “You have to adjust your brain and look to frustrate your opponent and play smart.