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Is the salary worth the stress?

Is the salary worth the stress?

The difference between being staff at a university and a software engineer at Microsoft was astonishing. At Microsoft I felt constant self- and peer-pressure to work overtime. An average week was 60 hours, my worst was 110, sleeping a few hours a night on my office floor.

What are the disadvantages of high paying job?

Disadvantages of High Paying Jobs:

  • Late starting of Career:
  • Increase in Working Hours:
  • Increase in work pressure:
  • High pay buys rest:
  • Family life ruins:
  • Health ruins:
  • Education cost:
  • Fear of attrition:

How important is a high salary?

Employees will be much more invested in their jobs and in the company they work for if they feel valued by that company. A higher salary is a way to show employees that they are valued. Companies can also demand higher quality of work and higher levels of productivity in exchange for that higher salary.

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Is a high salary good or bad for job satisfaction?

A lot of people who have higher salaries can’t get enough of their jobs. Age is another element of the job satisfaction vs. high salary debate. Stereotypically speaking, if you’re younger then you’re more likely to tolerate working more hours for slightly less money (with the hope of career advancement on the cards and general job satisfaction).

Does a higher paying salary mean misery?

This is speaking with the assumption that a higher paying salary means misery – it really doesn’t. A lot of people who have higher salaries can’t get enough of their jobs. Age is another element of the job satisfaction vs. high salary debate.

Do you need a high salary to afford the finer things?

To afford the finer things in life, we usually want a high salary – but at what point does job satisfaction take a back seat to accommodate for a mammoth salary? And is it possible to have the best of both worlds?

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Do you have a passion that doesn’t pay well?

However, more times than not, people have passions that either don’t pay well or the industry is too big to penetrate, which can be problematic and discourage them from pursuing it. Although this is not always the case, for many people, passions change over time, and especially if they have roots in their early years.