
Is therapy just for crazy people?

Is therapy just for crazy people?

Let’s break down those myths: Therapy is only for crazy people. This is patently untrue. Therapy is for anyone looking for outside feedback and support.

Do you need a mental illness to go to therapy?

You may also think your problems aren’t bad enough to require professional help. But the role of a therapist is to listen. Having major problems or mental illness isn’t a requirement for going to see a therapist.

Is going to therapy scary?

So, it’s normal to be nervous about therapy, but a good therapist will put you at ease so that even if it is difficult to tell your story, somehow you will feel better and more hopeful for having told it—perhaps even a little bit lighter than when you first came in.

Is therapy only for Crazy People?

Even if you don’t think your needs justify therapy, it can help. Like a lot of people, you might be thinking “Therapy is only for crazy people, and I’m not crazy.” This is an old-fashioned stigma that often prevents people from getting a little help during a difficult time.

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How can thertherapy help me?

Therapy can help people struggling with issues great or small. It’s counterproductive to use words like “crazy,” “insane,” and “normal” and that kind of thinking may be holding you back. Create some positive change in your life by asking yourself these questions instead: “Is life leaving me wanting more?

Why don’t you want to tell your therapist You’re considering suicide?

Photo used with permission from JDS Architects. You may be considering suicide and yet not want to tell a therapist, because you fear landing in a mental hospital.

Should I see a therapist or psychiatrist?

Basically, I only recommend someone see a psychiatrist when medication appears to be necessary. These are mental health practitioners who in some ways are very similar to therapists. Some psychologists might even call themselves therapists.