
Is there a tipping point for YouTube subscribers?

Is there a tipping point for YouTube subscribers?

Consensus is that from 0–100 is quite slow, and that things really speed up at 1,000. From 10,000–100,000 is generally considered to be the range at which the tipping point occurs.

What is a good YouTube subscriber rate?

If your YouTube channel has 100,000 subscribers, then you should expect between 12-15,000 views per video. That’s an average ratio of views:subscribers = 14\%. Dane has done a lot of research in this area and this kind of percentage is what the average creator should expect to see.

What does a subscriber do on YouTube?

A YouTube subscriber is someone who has chosen to “follow” your channel and your content so they can stay updated with your latest videos. In essence, a subscriber can become a raving fan who watches, comments and shares your videos with others.

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Can YouTube decrease my subscribers?

Generally, it’s normal to see fluctuations in your subscriber count. If it seems that your subscriber count has changed or dropped, it could be for one of these reasons: Viewers are subscribing and unsubscribing to your channel normally. We’ve removed spam subscribers from your channel.

How do I Check my subscriber count on YouTube?

You can also check your subscriber count over time in YouTube Studio. View your recent subscribers Sign in to YouTube Studio. On the Dashboard, find the “Recent subscribers” card. Click See all to expand the card.

What is the tipping point for a small business?

From 10,000–100,000 is generally considered to be the range at which the tipping point occurs. What you’ll want to do is monitor your subscriber growth and then graph that chart. Since you currently have 67,000 subscribers, you can see how long it takes to hit 75,000 and then 100,000 and then 250,000.

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Is there an actual tipping point without actual data?

It’s hard to say if there is an actual tipping point without actual data. Consensus is that from 0–100 is quite slow, and that things really speed up at 1,000. From 10,000–100,000 is generally considered to be the range at which the tipping point occurs.

How can I See my Channel’s 100 most recent subscribers?

You can see a list of your channel’s 100 most recent subscribers in YouTube Studio. The list only shows subscribers who have chosen to make their subscriptions public. When a viewer first joins YouTube, their subscriptions list is set to private by default.