
Is Thor British or Australian?

Is Thor British or Australian?

Chris Hemsworth, in full Christopher Hemsworth, (born August 11, 1983, Melbourne, Australia), Australian actor who came to fame for his role as Thor in several Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

Why does Loki have a British accent?

Loki’s accent is Tom Hiddleston’s real accent. He’s English, and speaks with an accent that reflects where he grew up: Wimbledon and a village outside Oxford. He also attended Eton, Pembroke, and Cambridge, where his training included theatrical pronunciation.

How do you talk like an Asgardian?

How To Speak Asgardian

  1. Do not use contractions often.
  2. Use old English whenever thou can.
  3. Pretend to be surprised (or amused) by silly Midgardian Customs.
  4. Pretend not to know an English term every now any then (even though English appears to be Asgard’s main language)
  5. Call Earth ‘Midgard’.

What is Tom Hiddleston’s accent?

There has been plenty of talk about big time actors butchering the our accent, but an unearthed clip shows Tom Hiddleston’s Irish accent might be the best around. The Loki actor, 39, is obviously a very accomplished actor, but many have come before him and failed to deliver a realistic Irish twang.

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Does Chris Hemsworth have an accent?

Chris Hemsworth is Australian, he was born and raised in Australia. He has an Australian accent.

Is Tom Holland having trouble with his accent in the MCU?

Tom Holland is the most recent Brit to enter the MCU, and it appears he’s had some trouble reigning in his accent. Recently, Holland spoke with the BBC (via CinemaBlend) about his entrance into the MCU, and the actor confessed his English accent has tripped up filming before.

Is Benedict Cumberbatch playing Thor in Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with dozens of heroes, but very few of them are played by Americans. Thor is brought to the big-screen by an Aussie, and British natives like Benedict Cumberbatch have secured their own superhero roles.

Did Tom Holland really learn his accent for Spider-Man Homecoming?

Even dialect coaches can only go so far, but Holland’s intended accent for Spider-Man: Homecoming is impressive. The film’s trailers proved Holland had picked up a solid New York lisp, and it would take one dogged fan to find theatrical cuts of Holland defaulting back into his proper tongue.